Linux + torrentflux + security

Hoi all,

I have a server in DE with linux suse 11 on it.
I am using torrentflux ( webbased tool ) to download torrents to my server.

But due to the recent events ... i am looking for a security tool that blocks access from unwanted parties trying to find out who leeches what.

I have heard that there is peerguardian for windows, but ofc i need a tool for linux...

If you know one, gimme the name and link where to download pls :)
Or if you know a good one, tell me how to install and config and ill test it out myself :-)

Thx a lot
haha :DDD
don't forget to crypt the hdd...:D
dont cheat the filmindusrty
hmmm tried google? took me about 10 sec to find THIS
thx, seems like ive been trying the wrong homepage xDDD
MoBlock is the PeerGuardian for Linux.
ive found that too, but apparantly you cant download it anymore, official site is down n shit :)
ya, seen that :p

ive been trying to use the wrong webpage on google :P ( the one that is dead :P )
Happy to help!
For a little present I'll write you one (c++).
what present :P
image: b4ubh70lywvzjtisv

seems Transmission-gui supports a similar blocklist, not sure if the daemon/webui does though
ill check it out, google transmission xD
doesnt seem to be webbased :)
there is a web-gui but I've never really looked into getting it setup, probably too much of a hassle :(
ok, nvm then :P, its not like i have a graphical server anywayz xD
suprise me :D
I would not recommend to use torrents with german ISP's.
peerguardin.. what exactly does it?
If i download i torrent and i start peetguardin , other people can´t see what i´m seeding or downloading?
normally, anti p2p people / organisations, etc, wont be able to seed from you, which means they cant see what ur doing :)

is what i understood of it :)
ye what i meant :P

but hmm.. i can´t belive that this rly works.. i mean.. this people would just download peerguardin, check if they are blocked.. and if they are they change ip or what ever..
most of those organisations have their own ip block afaik, not that easy for them to change ips xDDD , its not like they only have one ip or something xD ( like we , consumers have )
these companies will regularly use employee connections to get past peerguardian style blacklists. Don't think that you are immune to getting caught just because of using it. It's an additional help but far from anything concrete.
i know, but all help is welcome xD
well, get that shit out of hermany. the law is not really pirat friendly
wtf is seedbox ?
a dedicated server dedicated for seeding torrents xD
and where does that rly fit in my story ... :/

i do not want to get an account, i already have a server, why would i pay again to make sure i cn download :PPPP

explain me :)
QuoteI have a server in DE

a seedbox IS a server xD when you talk about torrents on a server i think seedbox :DDD
i am aware its a server, but afaik, it should be a server PROGRAM which anyone can install, no ? :)
yeah... why give that answer as advice? unless it wasn't advice and i just read too much into it

he HAS a server and he IS leeching torrents on it... you are just telling him to get what he already has
oh i know it was totally useless don't get me wrong meez.

Thats my server, i charge people for leeching off it :D

As for advice i say to just encrypt the folder you leeching torrents into, because peerguardian or any software like that is useless.
how much you charge per slot/bandwidth out of curiosity?

and yeah, I agree with you, but some people are overly paranoid (hence peerguadians creation)
it's 5 quid a month leech w/e you want :) seeing as i'm not letting people up their own ratio, and just letting them use it so they won't get busted by their ISP so they don't have to go through the torrent protocol. Just download a movie/game/music through http, and they tell me if they want something if it isn't on already, it's not like torrentflux, sorry to disappoint :D
so basically
you have an account at a seedbox shizzle site ? and you just rent it out again and use it urself ? or am i missing sometihng ?
It's a dedicated server i rent out from ovh on a 100mbit dedicated line(12meg up 12 meg down):

image: 11meg

It's on ubuntu desktop(remote connect) and i use utorrent through wine. I download the torrents onto the seedbox through pvt trackers and then download them from the server onto my PC. Simple as, i use no protection execept from hdd encryption. HTTP off my server it's probs the safest way to DL a torrent these days.
mkeeeey ... :)

i guess u then just do the same as me then, but i dont have hdd encryption, no idea how to do that on linux / suse actually :D

Dont even know how to do that on vista xD
easy tbh on ubuntu, it's more or less built in. Plus best protection from your server provider(they can access yourserver without knowing the password) is to delete the shh encryption keys so they can't access yourserver without a password :)
sup ? :P spammer
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