Vent on Linux ???

Hi , people

i'm actually searching the vent client for linux , it exist or not coz on the ventrilo site they are saying : " Linux - In development "

If any1 got it help thanks .


wine is the solution
there isnt one

there is a questionably legal hacked together client in the works though:

not sure if it'll ever get finished but I'm going to monitor progress from afar... for now I'm using wine (with ALSA) - with direct sound enabled I can hear multiple people talking at the same time so its not that bad
How far on is it?
wine, only way to use it

and it says its in development for 3 years now, so no hope in sight
use mumble
Its doable, but not worth it, sounds shit, cant push to talk, use a native linux voip client (mumble, ts).
yeah dt suceed to use it with wine :/
and for mumble & i most u it with win?
mumble has a native client for linux, if ur using ubuntu, go appplications>add/remove software, and find it. Its 3rd party.
" Linux - In development " for 2 years now (or more).
wine isnt solution, because the ventrilo window have to be active or you cant talk.

Imo there is not any good solution as far as I know.
Voice activation... but even then, the sound is bad, unless u configure wine properly, and whens hes here asking such questions we can assume he doesnt even know how to configure wine :D
Linux + Ventrilo = no love what so ever </3
Windows + Ventrilo = Lots of love <3
but windows overall just = </3

I'd use win again if I had as much freedom on is as I do in nix, simple as that.
Once tried linux, some things i enjoyed, some things .... well, they were complicated. Too much brainfuck to get work properly.
Yeah, totally.
ofc dt know how to configure win :D for mumble it dt give it in add/remove software @ ubuntu 8.10 i'm searching the client
check the drop box that says show "available apps" and select ALL available packages.
Then its there, well, it was in HH, dunno about II
edit it give @ synaptic packets manager ;D
no vent on linux
just get mumble or teamspeak, but i agree, it rly suckx
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