Just purchased a COD4 server

I have now installed ProMod and was wondering how do I make it so you can choose your weapon? Like the 9lives server., I wonna be able to use the AK47 and stuff, anyone know how?

Information would be great <3

Thank you!

EDIT: This is for the server NOT me....
make your own class?
if you need good configs or hmm i donno xD
just configs, pm me :D

enjoy your new game, just dont quit et :(
cod4 is kinda boring game. :( altho it was fun to invent nading spots (where to throw so it will land on enemys face.)
i like et cuz its fast :)
you know what i mean =)
yes,i know. i like et coz of spawntime/obj
and cod4 isnt?

u should try crossfire map vs good players with nice tactics.. 20 sec a round lmao
no i mean
the 1on1 its fast
you can strafe and do things, run rly fast, trick jump :O
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