Empty Server List

For some reason I dont get any servers in the server list when I start ET. Its happening for both 2.6b and 2.55. Does anyone know how to fix this?

PB is enabled, and I have selected the "All" option in the filter
Also, i can connect to servers using a direct IP connect, but still I cannot see servers in my server list.
PB enabled?
(dunno tbh)
just check the variables u are looking for and put "All" in every sector

and test if u can connect to servers at all :p ?
I have the same problem \o/
Just using XQF to connect to my 'favourites' though =))))))
Well there have been some issues with the ET Master Server. The problems could be occuring again so give it some time and it may fix itself.
could you clarify what you mean by ET Master Server?
It listens for all the game server heartbeats and reports it as a list to players
i have the same problem!
seems like lots of people are having this problem, can someone suggest a good alternaticve program to connect to servers?

note: i dont like to use xfire, it causes me lag
ye for me too , but i close it before i go to play.
just check server ips on http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverlist or similar site
create a new profile n it should b ok...at least worked 4 me ;)
doesn't help, removing etconfigs etc doesn't help neither.

gn and sleep tight.
i told u that coz i has the same prob when dled mAus'es cfg n executed it. made a new prof, executed my old cfg n evrything was ok...
you shouldn't use others configs ;( i got this by doing nothing. ^^
I have that when my 'telemeter' is full
Idsoftware servers are down
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