warmup livestream - minimal and electro

olo hellow crossfire community,

i prepare for my upcoming dj set this morning at bootshaus, cologne, germany. im broadcasting live frome my place in essen.

try the feed and tune in with ur favourite audio player.

gtfo. thx

its fookin minimal and electro. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive

edit: im drunken like shit, im leavin now to my dj gig. my lovely jenny arrived at this moment to pick me up for my liveset. thx and bb
moar low speed streams, thx
gtfo. i use traktor with timecode vinyls to get the analog stuff into the digital world . . . :/(
spasten. was nice :p
next time plz not @ 2 am :OOOO
You played at Nature One? Nice :)

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