show me your earblingblingZ

well, tomorrow i'm going to zeh piercer and let me pierce 2 earholes, and i want to know which earblingblings you wear.

so gimme ur pixXx
only one in my nipple
that's gay :<
ask iiky
she have vampireeeeeeeeeeeeeeejEE
i used to have a black "earblingbling"
I have one in my penis.
haha joke, right?
a spike in left ear. used to have another but removed it
don't do it, piercings/earrings suck
these should suit you

image: ear%20bead%20dangle%20300
I was thinking just the same, haha!

Was signed,

image: picture-13685
A small diamond, classic and clean. 8D

well i cant comment on this picture.
sum years ago in phantasialand i saw 1 guy... he had more holes in his ears (real huge holes) than cheddar could have. that was...ugly is underrated for that guy :D
Make sure to get the left ear only mate :D
earblings r for gays
man ur ugly as shit so better fo or die
haha gaylord..
check pic @ profile. btw dont do your right ear only, do either your left or both, piercing at the right is a symbol of gayness, dont know why.
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