
Hello there

I am willing to make a website that generates cups. The idea is that someone that wants to host his cup can sign up and then run in. I want to make it very easy to use.

my question is: Is there a need for this kind of website or is it just a bad idea and am i wasting my time here
my first first
my 235363rd second
have you heard about ? Is there a point to make new version of it?
didnt knew that one then there is no point making it
that suck cocks. Prepare better one and u get a cookie from me.
Ye, im not keen on tourney too... but it would be hard for him to spread his tournaments site, when everyone is used to tourney :/
if you want one add xarqi to your xfire list or have i missunderstood :<?

edit: yeah i should read the whole post first ;)
I'm not sure how well that page is working, but in general it would be kinda cool if there was a functioning site like that :)
make something like but better and with a more functional interface
oke thanks for your opions. So what i read is that there is a site but that sucks cocks. So if i make a better one i get cookies from everyone
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