finally 18!!!!!!

happy birthday to: renok

all the best! cya next lan at cooffeeshops finally u can get into it! ;)

Quote renok: u dont know me but can you make hb journal for me , ego +100000000000 :D?
nice fake logs! joke =D Ty
lol can I use your services too? Next year I will be 25 so some hot photo can be included :))
get self-esteem
i love your profile
schnee, smoke me under the table!
its not about me! say hb!!! ;)
haha wszystkiego naj naj reoczek i mendo ty mogles mnie tez zapytac xD
ja cie zapytam jak bede mial .i do jasnej ciasnej dlaczego ja nie mam twojego xfire ? :o
no niedawno odszukalam moje stare haslo:p dodaj mnie a ja zrobie to samo jak sie tam zaloguje xD fasolka nick :P
nom pieknie :) czasem jestem na ircu ale jakos Cie nie widze :< a teraz bede mogl bajerowac i uwodzic Cie czesciej ;DD
dziekuje sloneczko:D
I love you schnee!
That's fantastic, wondering why this cheats selling trash isn't banned here.
Status: BANNED
hb, enjoy :)
e: oh already banned xD
Status: BANNED

best gift @ ur birthdate :-)
at first i thought u are 18 now :(
nice banning him xD
and tomorrow you go to party party and boom you get to know that the best nightclubs are +20y :D:D
yea finally, only took 18years to reach up that. "AHHAHAAHHAHAAHAHHAHA"
Status: BANNED, best present eveah x'D
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