LaSt DaY Of ScHoOl BeFoRe HoLiDaY

Today it's my last school day before a week of Hanukkah holidays, but since we don't selabrate Hanukkah (in my family) we will celebrate Christmas & Silvester instead!

By the way, good morning and since it's Christmas let's all just be nice 8D
Jew style failed in ur home. Welcome in christians family. The consumism incoming!
We are just the left 10% of non-jewish people in Israel.
Why sad? :(
dunno that's why i'm sad.
Be happy it's Christmas! 8D
i hate xmas :<
good morning. :) 2days and my vacation starts. own :)
good morning. :) 2days and my vacation starts
i got right now vacation :D
last day was friday for meh
i would celebrate hanukkah.
no vacation here ~~ just work!
no work here ~~ just vacation!
I'm enjoying my vacation since Friday already, I heard some pple got exams even tomorrow. Good luck to them. :D
gm and hf :D
I finished uni' last Tuesday but got home on Friday night. Enjoy your holidays.
vacation started!
have fun :)
i don't have holiday so enjoy..
first day of vacation here
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