sol statement

Quote by sol about my best e-friend theodorGo ahead and comment. You're the biggest douchebag I've ever encountered on Crossfire and I've been a member here for almost 4 and a half years.

You seem to be brimming with self-important but I can't help but ask myself why:

- You constantly drone on and on about how wealthy you are when in reality you're working in a shitty office pushing paper and by the looks of your profile pictures, you appear to be living in a hovel in the middle of the Gaza strip.

- You talk about how intelligent you are - at the top of your class, whereas, judging by your posts on this site, you genuinely appear to have down syndrome.

- You talk about how good you are with women, when all you seem to do is post pictures of jailbait 24/7 - you're quite probably a chronic masturbator, and a virgin.

- You claim to have qualified for some elite section of the Israeli army, and go on to take every oppurtunity possible to inform us just how great the Israeli army is. The irony. The fact that someone like you, who was most likely dropped as baby, could reach the top of such a glorious army doesn't say much about it now, does it?

Hell, you even spent an entire weekend watching the CC5 livestream and taking screenshots. You are online 24/7, literally. You sure are living in the life.

Oh, and for what it's worth, you're about a hair's width from being permanently banned from here.

sol how can you be such an asshole come on, theodor is just taking fun out of you and you are taking it too seriously...

shoutouts to theodor and infi
come msn m8 :~>
you never answer :)
nihnas beha kzat
shabarti aoto..
kabel badiyion aih shabarti aoto

tov ma ihpat li ao niraa kemo homo
ao betol, ein lo kesef

li yesh akol+ani tayas ;D
IsraelTheodor vs AnonymousCrossfire

time do add this here:
i just think sol is overreacting rly..
lol Meez is there :D
i think he wrote that
haha some classic stuff there, imo they should put all flamewars in it :D
sol is right:D
Im afraid that i have to agree with Sol..

I always wondered what people like theodor and killerboy are doing here:/
Im mentally retarded and messed up.. i admit but they.. they are just...
cf wouldnt be alive without those e-tards :)
CF would be a much better place without those e-tards.. it was 2years ago when they werent here so why wouldnt CF survive without them now?
cause i like them >:D

and sol is always way too serious
i rather have a thousand serious sols than 1 retarded theodor
in this part theo was too serious, he couldnt accept the short replies thats why he started acting serious well bit mad maybe, w/e in this case. sol didnt "overreact" or w/e u gonna call it...
i agreee with mischaverheul!
weird.. someone agrees with me, cool nonetheless
weird eh. i just agreed to sol aswell. smth strange is going on here... :')
he was being witty and probably slightly truthful :P
well .. it's true!
Sol is absolutely right :D

Nice, cohen atleast has one e-buddy !
and that e-buddy is you !
96,3% of cf-users are useless, Theo is just one of us, nothing special.
rare words im using now but i agree with the admin

u take it too serious theo
its your fault again

your army of lovers starting to flame me

they feel scared by the way i talk to you :O(
not rly mister... its the internet and u all take it a bit too seious these days imo!
im only show you i can be hurt so you will adore me more =(
Listen you fucking jewish faggot.. she will not sleep with you.. you dont have a big french uncut like stand a better chance with evilynn.. your currency is worthless.. you are the ugliest motherfucker i have ever seen.. i would rather be chemically castrated than to have my parents name me ishai and be some penny pinchin fag.. your ancestors should have never survived the oven.. enjoy your ban your worthless fuck
u want to see the big french uncut?
Obviously, what else?
are you bi-curious?
No I just like to see dick.
PM incoming.
ah ?
what a thug :(
you must be beaten alot in school
could u leave my name out, pls, since i dont have anything to do with theodor?
‘Unjustified’ abuse is the clincher… it’s about having a molecule of respect for another user.

You do seem delusional mind, with the kind of spoilt arrogance only an only child could possess. Far off? o/
its an inside jokes between me and her ffs !!!!
I really don't care, moderate the comments not the inside jokes.
the comment is an inside joke :O(
if you dont know the joke, you will not understand and think something different JUST LIKE YOU DID NOW
what he means is, he doesn't care about your inside jokes
well if he could be more specific
which comment?
the one with the inside joke or in general :'D
Well, i think hes saying, keep the inside jokes but post better comments, moderate them (like make them better) dunno how to explain lol
lol nice quoting irc logs from me :( You know i said i was kidding, now everyone will go omg you accused cohen :(
Both. Generally, play nice… as above, “unjustified” is the qualifier, but don’t be surprised if an inside joke gets misconstrued…
im never surprised if other dont understand
cuz its an insider joke :p

but no need to flame (not talking about you)
you can just ask :(

and im playing nice !
you trying to copy james bond in the scene where he meets vesper in casino royale are you? :D
no theodor no win :{
i think sol just inst good in interpreting or w/e the word is! :D
sol doesn't understand that the real world is outside and not on his computerscreen
when you have god status on crossfire, its hard to even think about real-worlding outside :D
Comment Ignored (+)

sry m8
wow asshole, im 100% sure u pressed that + button, like the other sads did
Fair assessment.
yuuu de manne

riano will be disspointed at you =(
I don't honestly care about your behaviour or anything as it doesn't annoy me but to other people it obviously is, so maybe it's time to cut it down a little? :D
i dont understand how i annoy them
im not even talking with them :d

beside i help more to other member than any of those >:(
Describe "help"

i think that my definition of help is far from what yours looks like
help as if they have a problem
i try to help them

how many definition there is to help :~>?
you're just an enormous douchebag. there's a lot of people that are as stupid as you are on this website but not many of them draw attention the way you do.

it's just generally very disturbing when an idiot like urself tries to have people believe he's intelligent
dont need ppl to believe
aslong as im all what i say
with your absurd reasoning and ridiculously bad english you cannot possibly expect for people to believe you arent a complete tool

actually it goes beyond believing, i'd call it a matter of facts actually :O(
Albert Einstein once told

a man does not messure by his level of education OR how he express himself.
he is messure by his acts.

i have done more than anyone here and its a fact.

now, either Albert Einstein is a moron or...
aparently too hard for you to understand is the fact that einstein does not have to be a fool for you to still be a retard ;{ (which you are)
but accourding to him im very good person
and he is not a retard

gotcha !
a person who judges his own acts as being good like you do merely proves he is arrogant and therefore silly ;{ not intelligent like you are implying
i didnt judge them
the lots of tests with highest and trial periode for special forces,
colonels in the army and psycologists did judge me

now shut up virgin, you got served
isnt cohen = theodor?
agree with the irish.
wasup homie boy back from tha hoods banging the shits
you know what it is maaayn
sol speaks the truth as it is. you dont agree or like what he says? why make a thread about it like some whining child? get fucked tbh. youre just an idiot, and theodor or whatever his fucking name is, is a bigger dick for showing you what sol wrote to him :/ way to go! didnt think it was possible for you to look dumber....i was wrong.
id didnt showed him anything

i havent spoken to frenky for a whole day

i have nothing to do with this journal...
From what people say you have to be an asshole. But I for one can't see nothing but correctness in your comment.
sorry, never heard anything about you to be able to call you anything derisory, but thanks for the input!
Just to get this straight, you are not an sshole to me.
thanks again for clearing that up.
i stand corrected, it doesnt change the fact that its nothing but the truth.
btw kevlar im still banned @ bio :p unban me:p
leave ishai alone :D
funny situation :D

sol is also retarded, hes abusing his status @ xfire and everyone knows it..

I cant disagree with his point, but theodor is actually funny with his spams :]
1 has to leave :<
- You talk about how good you are with women, when all you seem to do is post pictures of jailbait 24/7 - you're quite probably a chronic masturbator, and a virgin.


wm!sol brings the skill back! hi²u btw.

and. i have to agree with sol ;p
o god theres smth related to sex in that sentance so funneeeeeeeeeeh!
all that rage just because someone is talking shit all the time?
maybe just ignore it =P
Opponent was taking ages to ready up!
just give the little twat like 100,000,000 warning points and rid the site of this cretinous little waste of sperm for good! the world would be a better place. he may have been slightly amusing for like , his grammatical errors, very briefly, but that jokes over, do it for the rest of us please!
ignore function is working properly and never fails me
we love you sol!!!
and we do love u ;)
Love, you're such a sweet thing, good enough to eat thing, and that's just a-what I'm gonna do.
i'm gonna have a shower, what should i listen to while i shower hmmmmm?!
gebrunn gebrunn ;) or dockyard!!!
i'm back from the shower, gebrunn gebrunn was a good choice - the question now is, do i go get a haircut or not? D:

also...dockyard is? :D
check out dockyard its song from kalkbrenner too! dont cut ur hairs :o
Original journal:

Also, I made that comment before he had even said anything to me, so it was hardly in response to him 'taking the fun out of' me. Go ahead and read all of his posts in that journal and see if you agree with my analysis.
I really think the comments to schnee were just random trolling and she knew that as well. I could be wrong but if I'm not it seemed you overreacted trying to protect or just got seriously annoyed, probably both. Anyways considering that the conversation you had afterwards wouldn't have taken place so you shouldn't be so angry, all he did was talk back. I'm not saying it's ok but the way I see it is that everybody annoys or flames or trolls people on crossfire and that admins shouldn't let themselves get carried away by their ego and just misuse their status based on personal bias, that's why you have a warning point sytem, use it. But if it should really get out of hand on a personal level with venomous flame you're definitely entitled to take action and should considering not everyone has a sarcastic side and like to laugh about things like that


You can keep the typos
Firstly, I wasn't annoyed or angry. I just think the guy is a complete tool and could do with being told that.

Secondly, to follow on from that, I think lots of people are tools, but few people come close to the lofty heights of his ineptitude. Generally I take him with a pinch of salt and ignore most of his inane posts, but in that other journal I couldn't resist the urge to flame him, I'm only human!

At first (months ago) I thought he was trolling, but then it slowly dawned on me that he really is that deluded, and really is that full of his own self-importance. I challenge you to read all of his posts in that other journal and disagree with me.
how come did he lose all his warning points anyway? :(
I don't know. Tell me if you find out!
he's not a tool, tools are useful.
I was in some profile with that, but I dont know from where I got it. only trolling success in CF so far, so I'm quiet eager about it!
Will he ever be permanently banned from here? seriously I couldn't believe that such level of retardness even exists but TheoDor proves it does in every of his posts, for fuck's sake crossfire could be such a better place without him!
i do freaking hate all the retards who knows SHIT about israel and still comment about it...
Yep, Western press is censored, so we can't inform about the circumstances.
If you mean the fear because there might be some poorly destructive and unaimed missiles coming down at you, think of the situation in Palestina and stfu.
You wasted so much time by talking to him, I don't know who to pity anymore. Him or you.
Says the guy who operates a forklift for a living.
Personally I found the rant hilarious.
who is sol? who is theodor?
pics,demos, proofs pls
I have never seen him talk about how wealthy or intelligent he is, I agree with the woman part.
+1 to sol

you're a fag
hes right
dunno about else but Israeli army is surely best in the world :)
hes right but who cares
nice read :ppppp
Theodor is a tard, yup.
imho Cohen is just a narcistic kiddie with the intention to somehow proof to people online he is socially very active, which afaik is just a contradiction in terms.
besides that, if ur so convinced that ur so great, why would you need to convince us?
Unless you are in fact insecure about yourself.
Same thing emo's do, post pics online so they can fap off on the approval of people on the internet....
But my question is: What are you trying to gain with this behaviour(posting ur personal life on websites etc)?
I think you have answered to your question already.
:D well imo opinion gaining approval online is equall to gaining zip... U gain no real friends, nothing of material value... etc.. soes I was wondering if he might get more out of this then just the approval of some people.
Might be a little retorical aswell. ;)
sols comments are true of a large selection here, wouldnt worry about it....
I don't understand why everyone hates cohen oO. He talks a lot of crap maybe but so do almost everyone on xfire. Sometimes it's fun to read all the bullshit of him and mostly it isn't offensive to anyone so don't see the fuzz about it :O))))
idd, it's a fucking website, just let him spam around, who cares anyway?
you all suck
sol is right. TheoDor is idiot and retard person.
whats wrong with telling the truth
no cohen = no fun :(
e-tragedy. do not care.
i got warning points for posting a journal in which i express happiness about something important in my life 40 points ! :D, i think that the admins of crossfire are the problem, why not just be nice to me ? and to others? and to people like theodor. people talk shit daily its the internetz yo! not to be taken to serious :D remember? ok he said some weord stuff to schnee, maybe he fell in love with her over the internets ! let it be its humans yo goddamn son
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