once again Stevens...

Thats the text what I'm spamming now at last.fm... I've lost all my faith in rapidshare and brothers, I just can't find this album since years by now. I would bet even foonr doesnt have it. Thats what I asked from Santa Claus,
but he again gave me some Raffaello (yum-yum). Help me guys! (again, but not like the last time I've wrote that Sufjan Stevens journal)

QuoteHello! I just saw you listening to Niagara Falls by Sufjan Stevens... I wonder if you have that album [Sufjan Stevens - Michigan (vinyl: disc 2)] or just the song? If you have the album I would be extremely interested where have you downloaded from? :)
ask Anaconda, he got it

mmm not my kind of music
he is like Eliott Smith, just alive.
want me to install et? xD
if i wont be dead coz the exams, i will install it on 1st of February... we will get a nice 3rd (old mate or some new face) and play some comp et :P
hi trev
i dont even want to know what kinda music this is lol :D:D:D
dling in emule, will upload when i come home from work, hope it will be finished by then, only 4 sources... :-)
i bought the michigan album but i doubt that's what you are looking
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