Mouse bind

Need your help again loelz :x

When i shoot i like it when my sensitivity is very low. But when i move around trough a map and someone right from me or even behind me is going to shoot i want to turn as fast as possible. Cant you bind (in my situation mouse3) a key that, when you push it, your sens will raise to 3 or smth, and when you don't push it anymore your sens will lower to your normal speed again.

- Random pic not included -
Acceleration: Low.
set sens1 " sensitivity 3"
set sens2 " sensitivity 1"
bind mouse3 "+vstr sens1 sens2"
kinda fail bind since u will get floodkick for it and u will have to click twice to get lowsens and u would have to make binds for smg and other weapons different and then u have to get used to pressing after spawn always smg button otherwise it will be last wepons settings
so i wouldn't use it
You will not get floodkicked for changing your own ingame sensitivity.
You do not have to click twice to get a low sense.
You do not have to make different binds for other weapons.
You do not have to press anything after you spawn.

Read the script again plz
Was going to reply the same thing, then I concluded nobody can get 4/4 things wrong like that unless he's trolling
Fraggle: "When i shoot i like it when my sensitivity is very low."
that means he wants low sensitivity
set sens1 " sensitivity 3"
set sens2 " sensitivity 1"
bind mouse3 "+vstr sens1 sens2" <- he sets first priority to higher sensitivity that's about the specific script
that leads to clicking twice on the button to get lower sensitivity
Ronner: "You will not get floodkicked for changing your own ingame sensitivity." <- might be true, dunno about chaning sensitivity but some commands will lead u to floodkick dunno if it was +activate or +moveup on some conditions
Ronner: "You do not have to press anything after you spawn." <- tell me if i shot a guy last time and selfkilled and if i press the button again, what happens?
Ronner: "You do not have to make different binds for other weapons." <- that is true actually
EDIT: my mistake, i read wrong about mouse3, thought it was mouse1 that he wanted to use
Quotehe sets first priority to higher sensitivity that's about the specific script

I know, that's not what I commented on. It was obvious that it had to be turned around (as you can see in the comment I posted below), but the script that guy posted was just an example on how to do it.

Quotemight be true, dunno about chaning sensitivity but some commands will lead u to floodkick dunno if it was +activate or +moveup on some conditions

Dunno which commands do give you a floodkick, but sensitivity is not one of them

Quotetell me if i shot a guy last time and selfkilled and if i press the button again, what happens?

It's quite simple. in his example, you press mouse3 and it sets it to sensitivity 3. The moment you let go of mouse3 it will set it to sensitivity 1. The actions that happen in between (you die or respawn or whatever) do not matter at all.

Quotemy mistake, i read wrong about mouse3, thought it was mouse1 that he wanted to use

Doesn't matter which button he binds it on. The action will remain the same. Hold the button down and it gives sensitivity A, let go of the button and it gives sensitivity B.
i think it was u who failed
think Flekmaatikko just helped you already
look euruz.. you will get kicked
this new movie of adam sandler looks promising :) where the gums are raining xD and dreams/bedstroies become true ;)
You could set it on one of the side-buttons (mouse4 or mouse5)

set lowsens "sensitivity 1"
set normalsens "sensitivity 3"
bind mouse4 "+vstr lowsens normalsens"

What this will do is make sure you have sens 1 when you press mouse4 and switch back to sens 3 when you let go of the mouse4 button.

You could also have it switch to a lower sens as soon as you start shooting.

set lowsens "sensitivity 1"
set normalsens "sensitivity 3"
bind mouse1 "+attack; +vstr lowsens normalsens"

^^ dunno if that last line works like that though. You could try it.
thanks mate :>
better to use 180 turn script
that is illegal
Illegal where?
Never seen any official statements or rules anywhere that it wouldn't be allowed, it is and was excessively used both at CC5, EC, DBCC and in ESL cups. x-O
I know. It's tolerated, but a 180 turn script sets values to vars that are not allowed to be set to that value and strictly looking at that fact alone means it is in fact not allowed. No league or tourney really cares about it though.
and how cares ?
care really if ur not gettin kicked :P
who my bad :<
like I said, no leagues or cups really care that ppl do it, but if they were strict it would/should not be allowed.

oh and neither do I care ;)
i use this shit not <. highsenser ^^
I dont use it as well (low/mid - senser)
set sens1 "sensitivity 0.7; +attack"
set sens2 "sensitivity 0.9; -attack"
bind mouse1 "+vstr sens1 sens2"

this one is better!
bind f1 "sensitivity 1;say_team normal sens"
bind f2 "sensitivity 1.2;say_team just gone for a shit"
bind f3 "sensitivity 1.1;say_team sorry, minimized"
bind 1 "sensitivity 1; cs_aim 3"
bind 2 "sensitivity 8; kill"
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