ok crossfire, get searching!!!!

ive lost my bankcard, and i want to order stuff online!!!!!! i was out last night, and well, theres a fair chance ive lost it, but then again, it may just be hiding somewhere in my house! what to do, what to do! help me look for it please :< anyone that finds it gets a reward :<

oh, and stargate atlantis episode 19 + 20 is available to download on preair, gogogo.
its on the table
block it or die poor.
check places where you change / put on-off clothes like toilet , around/under bed , around/under chairs and tables !!

oh and stargate is something i dislke the most !
drank a lot last night, came home and well, my clothes were everywhere from the front door to the bedroom......wasnt good :(
check your clothes
block it :D
go close it....
that would be the sensible option, but i really wanna buy stuff online right now :(
What if someone has already ordered a bunch of sex toys for next doors OAP couple signed by you?*
Go cancel your card old man :)

*assuming you have OAP neighbours and you're not into having 3somes with soggy vaginas an shriveled dicks
theres something up with you :<
Yeah, i'm tired as fuck, and thought of OAP having fun with double ended dildos :(

nn & my suggestion was better than a chocolate teapot :))))))))))))))))))))))))
je shut it down!!!
you never told me that you lying twat :(
you are really 36 years old and really that guy on the photo?
erm. yes. wanna date? wait. is that your girlfriend in your profile pic? if so, can you ask her if i left my card in her house last night :D
rofl when ur posting sad smilys and i remember your pic i always laugh :D
wait. you find my face amusing?
actually yes :o
use one of your other cards?
i only use one card for ordering online you see, cos of the whole "internets steal my info's" thing. it just so happens i took that card out last night for another inspirational night of drunkeness....
haha, so you don't think you can trust the website you are ordering off huh ;D;D
its not filth you tart. its schuh have a xmas sale on, and well, im scottish, and i like a bargain hehe. and it finishes tommorow!
ok that was just disgusting...
call your mom
I would cancel it and order a new one.. you never know and if you find your old one, just throw it away.
i know i should, but i want to spend now!!!!!
then take ur none-online-order-card
you wont find it now anyway
btw the chance of loosing it at home while beeing drunk is like 0.47 % i guess u lost it outside
It is probably in ur pocket. if not there then its hidden to far left corner of ur table.
Weren't you the guy with an Audi R8? Well - doesn't matter anyway richboy! :p
As my mum would say to me, "where u have it last?" xDD
ok, everybody stay calm. it was under my housephone! i musta came in drunk as a skunk and had all intentions of ordering a pizza online,then tried to call a pizza and well, no pizza ever arrrived so im guessing i fell asleep, thought id lost the card, but hey, its ALL GOOD! thanks for your "help" guyz , although tbh, you lot are about as usefull as a chocolate teapot :D
Leaving it under your house phone?
You're about as much use as an ejector seat in a helicopter.
if i wud of read this thread earlier i cud have told u it was there. thats where i usually put my bank card when i come back from a night out as well

frankly i believe i still have the right to get that reward u mentioned based on the abovementioned facts.

i will be expecting it shortly
Check your coat pockets, ALL coats you have.

Check shoes
Side of bed/cabinet etc..
code is 4575

thank you, pls come again later
im guessin its in scotland! so look there!
It's under your house phone
I found it, I just ordered a 42 inch samsung HD tv, blueray DVD player & a toaster!
Order using amazon or google checkout where they remember your card number.
Fool!!!! Use inet banking...
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