Prison Break S04E16
23 Dec 2008, 01:46
lul i totally forgot today is PB time and i really hope it will be more interesting than the last episode which was kinda disappointing (not enough action).
\o/ opinions/expectations?
\o/ opinions/expectations?
and stop posting trailers(spoilers) for 40 min episode
more micheal emo faggotry
more retarded deus ex machina
more out of character bi-polar lincoln
100% more trainwreck
but still Im not able to watch it because Im at christmas in my family house and everything I have here is a small "laptop" with 10 inch screen so it won't be fun :P I'll wait to see this episode to the new year, when I'll get back to my home
2bad sucre is out :( he was my favourite actor after mahone.
Hope there is some more action when linc, tbag and the others are trying to hunt down scylla. havent seen the trailer^
edit: asked me the whole day why there is no pb journal from you xP
good episode, but unbelievable how complicated it can get (again) :D hahahaha
Is this epi any good? It better be cuz its the last before some months winterbreak : ' (
This will be the last epi and than there will be an winterbreak and after they will finish the last 5 epi's. I suppose they will stop at some weird point to let you think about 1000 scenario's in the winterbreak but still when it begins it will be the unexpected! that's what I love about pb :)
Hoping for a good epi!