Prison Break S04E16

lul i totally forgot today is PB time and i really hope it will be more interesting than the last episode which was kinda disappointing (not enough action).


\o/ opinions/expectations?
no expectation :< what will happen,it will happen

and stop posting trailers(spoilers) for 40 min episode
i didn't make you click it - in fact, i made it very clear what is under the link
i didnt press :O)
how's the et ace project doing? :D
more self emo faggotry
more micheal emo faggotry
more retarded deus ex machina
more out of character bi-polar lincoln

100% more trainwreck
I never watch these trailers ;P
but still Im not able to watch it because Im at christmas in my family house and everything I have here is a small "laptop" with 10 inch screen so it won't be fun :P I'll wait to see this episode to the new year, when I'll get back to my home
i watch them because i can't resist to see at least a part of it :P one week is too much :D
yea when I started to watch it, PB was like in the middle of second season :P so I downloaded whole 1st season and I watched about 5 or 6 episodes per day :P when I came back to reality (read : I reached the current episode) I was like: wtf, I want to watch anoter 10 episodes, I cant wait till next week, nooooooooooooo :P
Expecting mother burrows aka the buyer!!
2bad sucre is out :( he was my favourite actor after mahone.

Hope there is some more action when linc, tbag and the others are trying to hunt down scylla. havent seen the trailer^

edit: asked me the whole day why there is no pb journal from you xP
i posted it only once before 23:00 :p
nvm, my sense of time is crap :D
nothing on torrentleech yet, is it even being aired today? :f
yep it is. but it's not online yet :( (i just have public torrent sites, are they online on private torrent sites earlier?)
yep, they are, at least on TL
Still dont get why ppl keep watching this show since it became trash few seasons ago.
at last


good episode, but unbelievable how complicated it can get (again) :D hahahaha
It always end complicated :p like in the first season where Michael was in that tunnel under fire by mahome and kellerman was next to him and nobody ever thought kellerman would bring mahome down :D

Is this epi any good? It better be cuz its the last before some months winterbreak : ' (
Last episode was really interesting imo. Atleast when it ended I was like wtf it already ended :>
Prison Break sucks =/
Im downloading :D

This will be the last epi and than there will be an winterbreak and after they will finish the last 5 epi's. I suppose they will stop at some weird point to let you think about 1000 scenario's in the winterbreak but still when it begins it will be the unexpected! that's what I love about pb :)

Hoping for a good epi!
Nice and entertaining episode!

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