The big ass Linux-Report 2008!

weeZy's Linux Report 12/2008

Since I made a Linux-Report 2 years ago a lot of things happened to the O/s world! And my mission is to support Linux and bring Linux to the man! Why do I do so? Because MS announced their newest Virus "Windows Seven" I don't go outside anymore, it's fuckin frightening! I don't want to make you delete your Windows and install Linux (which would be cool), I just want to introduce you to the amazing world beside Microsoft!

The (main-) differences between Windows and Linux-Based Systems

The reason why most people don't install Linux is the fact that you can't handly it like Windows. But nowadays there are Distributions (Linux-Versions) that look pretty much like Windows, made for newbies at Linux with a great support.
The probably most notable difference is that 99,9 % of all Software is for free and open source! You're able to use programs like Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, IRC, MSN, ICQ, XFire, Enemy Territory, etc. . Any in the case you have Software that isn't available for Linux Systems you can still run it, via whine (Windows Software Emulator).
Another big difference is the way the computer works:
At the startup at windows, it preloads tons of *.dll's, which is pretty useless since it even loads the *.dll's of programs that you didn't know they were on your computer. At Linux it only loads the neccassary files when you need them, which lets the program start like 0.5 seconds slower, but start up your computer like 30 seconds faster.
Well I dont want to list up all differencs, because there are too much. :(

The Desktop

image: 290264668_97ccc8b62d_o

The truth is that you have way more options to customize your desktop how you want it to look like.

Window Managers

Windows uses one Window Manager, and you cannot use others! At linux you have the possibility to install different Windows Managers, KDE, Gnome, Xfce4, Fluxbox, too name a few.
Every single one of them is different. KDE i.e. is for good-looking Desktops, Fluxbox is for fast systems etc., it's up to you!

The GUI of Linux is pretty easy to use, just like Windows. When you click the start-button you can see word like "Programs", "Settings" and "Search". The most explains itself and is similar to windows.
So the optical fact isn't pretty different to Win!

The console - Complicated ?

Before I installed Linux on my comp I was like: "Ugh, what about all the "hackin stuf"?", but I decided, since it looks pretty cool :P, that I'll install it allthough on my 2nd Harddrive.
But you don't have to use the console at all! There are a few situations where it's simply more efficient to use it, but you actually dont have to!

Example: Installing Programs

With Linux you have a fuckin big pool of Software you can download. With professional photo-editing Software, and any program you want to have at all.
You have a list on your computer with links to FTP's, these FTP's are called repositories.
With the hard looking, but simple command
Quoteapt-get install vlc

you have the vlc-Media Player installed in less then 10 seconds!

How does it work? Well it's more simply that breathing!

Thats the programs name, so linux knows what to do!

Is a parameter, so Linux knows to run "apt-get" and "install" a program

Easy eh? :)

Some of you would like to start flaming like "zomgwtf" or "I thought I dont have to use the console wtf !?", well you can do the same via GUI if you run the Package-Manager, which is actually the same, but with a GUI.

Just as a sidenote: I have like 20-30 repositories atm wich contain exactly 64 439 Programs. For Free. Wow.

Plug and Cry :'(

At the release-date of Microsoft Windows XP, they announced to have a new feature called "Plug'n'Play", which turned out to be released like 12 years too early. :D
Linux-Coders thought "Oh, cool Idea!" and implemented it working into *nix-Systems!

When you have new hardware and you plug it into your computer, in 99,99% Linux, recognizes it, installs the driver and plays it. Np4Linux! Of course you can still install your 3rd-Party driver if you want to or if it works faster.

When you have a DSL, Analog, ISDN, Modem or 56k connection and you install Linux on your computer your internet will work immediatly.

The security reason!

When I was looking for some real good porn on my old Windows-Computer, I was like "Omg, Virus :(" all the time. That's annoying eh?
Linux-users don't need to be afraid of any malicious software! WTF Why?!
Simple reason: Linux systems have mainly 2 accounts, your personal user account and the allmighty root account.
With your own account you can do anything at your personal Folders and settings, but when there are critical settings or settings that can fuck up your computer, only root can change them.
So if you download a virus and it executes itself, it's useless since it can't do anything. Same for hackers. There aren't a lot of Virii etc. because of that fact.

Well, thats it for this year, I hope some of you might think about installing Linux on their 2nd harddrive now.

Last but not least, some good Linux-Distributions for newbies. ;) Thanks for reading any merry christmas <3.

Ubuntu - Windows-like - AWESOME support
SuSe - Windows-like too - AWESOME support too
Sidux - Me using Sidux ftw :D

Btw, all of these Distro's have LiveCD's to try w/o installing them. ;)
from where they got the ideas for all those weird names? D:
Wtf :( Is that all you have to say? :(

Well from where Windows got the ideas for all those weird names? D:

image: 785
dont know :(
Ubuntu is an african life philosophy and means as much as "humanity" and "community"
see, now it make sense :D
ok, now spread the message
nope, cuz im not interested in that :<
now explain why ppl can use hax on et when they use linux
the last pb update for linux hax was like 2 years ago ..
98 percent using windows so evenbalance doesn't care about linux users
funny how all linux users have 60acc !
well, linux != cheating
im using linux too and im not cheating
what about... Meez
ubuntu > all :>
simply because you talk about it as if you are addressing a 7 year old I'm going to completely ignore you. Also, your ms hating makes you look like a retard :P

I'm sure you've got access to iwndows 7 final and have used it long enough to give it a fair review...
kthx care np
btw sorry for not talkin in a pro language, not everyone is as cool as you
You don't need to be eloquent to not sound condescending
Yeah, ur like so cool. now laugh in real life pls
the usual places are all the rage over windows 7, but the day i spent poking around with it I wasn't overly impressed

seems like it will be better than vista but I still don't see a reason to switch to it over using xp
as I said, reply back in a year and then give your opinion...

I have first hand experience with the shit that vista creates working in the uni IT dept, I can fully agree with any disdain shown towards it but I won't give windows 7 any flack or love until at least RC1+
running vistaids on my HTPC downstairs (dad likes the media centre), gonna dualboot arch on there shortly and try and convert him (lirc scripting and getting the LED display working properly will be a fun task)

it was actually faster to read the samba manpage and set up folder sharing on my linux box than it was to do it under vista which is something I find fucking hilarious

least i got coreavc and media player classic
get xbmc running on a linux box with aeon as the skin.

I have that in my uni house projected onto a 91" screen attached to about 2TB
aye was gonna do that myself, people on freenode seem to be suggesting mythtv but it just looks too tied in to a TV tuner... think xbmc will be more versatile, and since it'll be simple to setup mplayer/coreavc-for-linux should give some pretty nice results

what distro you running on that box?
just intrepid, someone from uni always sugests mythtv but as you said, it's meant as set top box replacement and we have sky so isn't needed. it's also ugly as a fuck even with the "nicest" skin :X
you are right he is an asshat
awesome3 > all, tiling window managers kick some serious ass

image: b4xlwintn5q5rk1gv

you need to learn the differences between a DE and a WM (desktop enviroment vs window manager), DEs are not essential
i know the differences but i didnt want to make it too complicated ;)
you wrote a lot but didn't say much :<

on topic: if I need a basic linux for (open)office and graphic programs (no games) with a nice look and easy handling, which distro do I use ?
try sidux, it's pretty fast and comes out with both
well i see you have a really big knowledge and you can prove everything you say a 100 percent. the world needs more of yours
the world does need more of yous to i bet you wud be fun man
Here's a nice site to help people into choosing the 'right' distro for them! But one decent thing about using linux is the option for using the liveCD before installing anything, so you can downloading the image file, burn it and then see for yourself if you like it without harming anything

and what is with debian? -,-
without debian, ubuntu and sidux wouldnt even exist!
debian ftw
Doesn't matter, there are tons of different Distributionz like Redhat Fedora Knoppix kanotix Debian etc.
yes, of course, but i dont see why everyone is loving ubuntu/sidux but give a shit about the "parent" debian.
well that may has different reasons, i.e. i like Cherry Coke, but I like no Coca Cola. ;)
richard stallman is using debian! he was at my house for 2 days some years ago!

win i know.
Nice read weezy.I use Xubuntu since 9 months.My Videocard (ati ) and my mouse (mx518) had some driver issues but there are so many help- links , so it wasnt a big deal to handle it.
The massive freeware made me linuxuser.
Thanks, glad to hear. ;)
Nice weezy :)
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