
on vent voice activation, the sensitivity is so high that i almost have to shout to be picked up, but it picks up my breathing 24/7 which is like silent :<

please help me crossfire :*(

this is with all microphones ive used, so i don't know if there's anything on my pc i can change?


image: showermicradiobwg1
turn up the volume @ voice control @ win? :D
Keep on shouting, your teammates won´t listen to you otherwise. I always shout and swear, but that´s because of stupid teammates, not the mic.
You need to put the mic somewhere so that you're not breathing directly into it, or wrap it in some kind of foam.
logical :D thanks, a bit better now
you need that pink mic that you posted.

and it will fix all your problems.
I think a gay-vibrator with a hook on it will cause more problems than solve. But hey, that´s just my opinion.
nice mic you hv ollz :DD
i didnt notice you shouting :P
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