Christmas 24/12

Im so fucking tierd, i got wake up for like 30 mins ago, and i maybe slept 3 hours. what a fucking shit xmas. :< im so tierd. But today mayve a im gonna get a new mobile phone, and of course some money in my bank.

What guys/girls have you got today? have u got any morningpresents ?
there was a christmasmarket in my town and some kind of fireworkshow. I'm not feeling too bad actually :P (could be better though)

Going to my girlfriend in couple of hours to exchange christmasgifts
xmas presents are made for kids (like under 15yr old)... after that i haven't ever even asked anything. The idea of xmas is kinda cool: resting, eating, having fun together etc. kinda relaxing. but that present thing has turned a bit boring...

but good if somebody can enjoy.

I got a fist in the head from my mum cause I was drunk last night:>
tired*, tired
I am a bit old for gifts, but i have realized that buying gifts is pretty fun.. :P

So this year, i will be a giver not a haver.

BTW: Nervös inför tomtem Pesh?!?! XDDDXDDDDD
yep its really fun
i was in tesco, was drunken like hell and had 30euros for 7 christmas presents

- a pen for my father
- books for my mother
- nothing for my siblings 8D
in some country it is already like in mine .. merry christmas, waki :p
presents? Been there, done that! Just party on fridaynight!
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