Windows XP Gets Another Life Extension

QuoteFor the third time since Vista's release in January 2007, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) has pushed out XP's availability by granting system builders a "flexible" delivery date beyond the official phase-out deadline of January 31, 2009.

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So to all those who kept saying vista is such an awesome o/s etc:
you were wrong
i was right
merry xmas!
its a lie
its because people prefer vista, not that vista is such a failure
usually vista on high-end hardware is much faster than xp, its still a sensitive windows, and is ofc a failed project, but it's still the best windows for high end
and you are an idiot u can never be right ofc
i dont have problems with vista at all. in XP i have problems with sound car, lan card, gpu, almost everything. So my points go to vista!
Opposite for me :( I have problems with everything on vista
etqw is awesome and back motherfucker
long live xp!!

xp pro > vista*.* anyone who says different needs their braincell upgraded
They realized vista was quite a fail a while back too :{
Thou, Windows 7 has had some decent reviews from testers already, so hopefully that will take over from vista =[
Ive got a beta of the new build, if u want it :) (win 7)
I can get a copy, going to wait for the 'proper' release though :_)
Its horrible anyway :D *nix > *
These kind of comments make me facepalm a lot, when people show how little they know about said subject.

How much do you _know_ about Windows 7?
I know fuck all about Windows 7 other than what I have read, what does it matter? It's not even out, I'm just going by what the reviews have been saying ._.
You diss Vista, but as Windows 7 is more like SP3 for Vista I can't really get it. It's not that much different in any regard, the new taskbar is shit, and years beyond of what Linux desktops have to offer.
I diss vista because it's utter shit (and before you mention, I have used it many times)
Have _you_ used the final release of Windows 7????? Didn't think so :V
You haven't used Vista, that just shows from what you know about the subject. What did you do with your Vista license, after you decided it's shit?
Fuck meeeeeeeeeeee, how do you go about reading my mind? :(
Works computers have vista, so used it there. Like I would buy a computer with vista on... LoL
Yeah, that kinda sums it up.
People(s) can never have a conversation with Finnish folks can they, it always seems to be a one sided argument with spastics who seem to know the answers to everything :'((((((
I'm going to go cry in my room until Odin comes with my gifts, cya babes <333
Why is your name ending with "s" ?
More than one person = peoples LOl
Wrong, it's people still. But it's a nickname, nothing more.
It's people
Read my reply above >_>
It's a nickname, just like - why your name ends with with an "_" ?
These kind of nicknames make me facepalm when the guy who is using it is trying to act smart.
You go girl! Yes, it might when you know shit about the subject at hand. Looking at your journals, you seem to know awful lot of the said subject!
I'm not a xfire retard who's trying to act like some smartboy, you are. And don't start crying about my journals, i have always solved the problems myself at the end.
I don't "act" anything, or try to act. It's just your incompetence that makes you say such things. You sound more or less like spree, so gtfo.
Okay whatever you say "Peoples" : DDDD
You go girl! Hahah
You just can't stfu, how sad is that :D
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