GeForce 9800 GTX+

Got Intel 2 Core Quad processor, and just bought this graphics card.

what do you think of it?
Do not want
I get 9800gtx+ for christmas present. Ill test it later @ GTA IV. btw nice combination!
mmm nice. now overclock ur graphic card and it will be better.
its superclocked mate :p
i read something about overclock it but if i am right mmm by bios. is it possible ? ahhh my memory is like 80 years old. Ganja can!
i think u can oc it more that it is now
it's never enough for overclock!
step on it
nothing too special, its same as an HD4850,and these will get old in about few months, after the ~6-7 new cards that will arrive
Was planning on buying a PC with the HD4850, guess ill need to upgrade sooner than i expected then :(
or just wait, ull get an hd4870 for same price as the 4850 :P
how much of a wait? :o
8th of january 2 sexy cards will be released by nvidia, so probably few days later and prices will drop down :O if you cant wait then just buy it ^^ and upgrade when the 58XX and the RV88 or something new DX11, DDR5 by ATI or the GT 300 by nvidia comes, now fuck these will probably be as much as big as what happened when the 88 came in the market
Well, it isnt really much of a wait, but i doubt it'll be much of a problem anyway.

The HD4850 will be fine for me for at least a year, and if i need to update, it wont be a problem for me :)

Cheers for the info :P
poor choice = there are better to be had for similar price.
4850, 4830 for example. For lower price, and for bit higher HD4870.
4830? :D the GTX+ rides on him, and the hd4850 has same results as hd4850 sometimes beats sometimes gets beaten
It's shit loads cheaper, that's why I mentioned it. If you get 90% of the performance, for 60% of money spent - it's well spent money.
it is the best NOT to buy the best card available, just a mid range, those can max up anything, such as 8800GT, and the 9 series, but it's still some kind of a pick, HD4850 is same price ~ as the 9800GTX+ with the same performance, but HD4830 is mehh :S
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