A controversial Christmas?

Ahmadinejad gives festive speech

QuoteIranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will deliver Channel 4's alternative to the Queen's Christmas Day speech this year, it has announced.

He will be shown telling British viewers "the general will of nations" is for a return to "human values".

His speech, in Farsi with English subtitles, will be the channel's 16th alternative Christmas message.

Unlike previous years, it will be broadcast at night and not at the same time as the Queen's speech.

The message of seasonal goodwill is to be aired at 1915 GMT.

'Alternative view'

In his speech, Mr Ahmadinejad congratulates the people of Britain on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

He says that problems in society are rooted in the rejection of the message of the prophets of God, including Jesus.

And he criticises the "indifference of some governments and powers" towards the teachings of "the divine prophets".

Channel 4 head of news and current affairs Dorothy Byrne said: "As the leader of one of the most powerful states in the Middle East, President Ahmadinejad's views are enormously influential.

"As we approach a critical time in international relations, we are offering our viewers an insight into an alternative world view."

'Divisive denial'

But Stephen Smith, director of the Holocaust Centre in Newark, Nottinghamshire, criticised Mr Ahmadinejad's "benign" message as "deception".

"This message of so-called peace needs to be treated very carefully," he said.

A speech Mr Ahmadinejad gave in December 2005, in which he referred to the Holocaust as "the myth of the Jews' massacre", angered Jewish groups.

Mr Smith criticised "the fact that somebody who openly denies the Holocaust is given legitimacy on prime time television, someone who uses Holocaust denial to be divisive".

Mr Ahmadinejad has also been criticised for the treatment of gay people in Iran.

Last year, when asked in a visit to New York's Columbia University about the execution of gay people in Iran, he replied: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

Gay rights group Stonewall said Mr Ahmadinejad should "celebrate the fact that he can appear on television to give a message like this".

"In spite of his ridiculous and often offensive views, it is an important way of reminding him that there are some countries where free speech is not repressed," director Ben Summerskill said.

Channel 4's first alternative message was delivered by gay icon Quentin Crisp in 1993.

Others to have given the broadcast include French actress Brigitte Bardot, former X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne and TV chef Jamie Oliver.

Last year's message was given by Maj Andrew Stockton, a British soldier who lost an arm fighting in Afghanistan.

(Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7799094.stm)

whos gonna read this shit
People smarter than you I guess.
lol, +1
sick muslim nazi, it's just awful that the place we live in (earth) makes it possible for fanatics like him to reign over a country
/callvote "ban muslims from english soil and tv" ......... Seriously though - it would solve alot of problems..!
Wow. You clearly know nothing about Islam.
not every muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is a muslim
The only terrorist group I know, who are not muslims, is IRA. If you know more please enlighten me.
Well they're only responsible for dozens of attacks made against the Spanish government and public areas. They are more like freedom fighters than terrorists :p
it depends on which folk/humans you like more he? ye ye always the same....bb pwned!
It's totally not the same, no reason explaining it to a moron.
there you go
You speak about freedom fighters and call IRA as terrorist. IRA has tried to turn on politics (Sin Fein), but always there will be a "better" IRA with violence.
Well there's no agreed definition on what terrorism actually means. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Apply that sentiment to the IRA.

To some people, the likes of the Israeli, US and British Army are terrorists. All you have is your opinion.
Yeah but the difference between armies and terrorists is that terrorists try to kill as many civils as possible and persuade kids & women to become suicide-bombers.
did you ever heard something like "friendly fire"? pls stop talking
Holy shit. Go educate yourself. That is so narrow!
I know that USA & it's allies are just as wrong as (muslim) terrorists and perhaps even more wrong but my point is that they're not in Middle-East to KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE ON PURPOUSE unlike terrorists around the world.
There's no agreed definition because the word terrorist is purposefully left undefined, it's an emotive reference.
just got back from work, to much 2 read :{
"The message of seasonal goodwill is to be aired at 1915 GMT... 'Alternative view'"
The message of seasonal goodwill needs an alternative view? A "Merry Christmas" would do me nicely

"In his speech, Mr Ahmadinejad congratulates the people of Britain on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ."
Can you really congratulate someone for just existing at some point in time after some other guy?
With anniiversary he means that they still give this honor to jesus`s way of life and that they still follow him.

bonehead pls dont give a comment just to critisize some1 without any backround knowledge.
i wont waste my xmas for reading ur shit journal
Last year, when asked in a visit to New York's Columbia University about the execution of gay people in Iran, he replied: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

This guy is giving a piece of nice propaganda shit...
wow a controversial view, cant be!
In response channel 5 announce their "Merry Nigger Christmas" special.
gotta keep inline with the pc police!
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