Coldfire X-Mas not so much Northpole Cup

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Coldfire X-Mas not so much Northpolecup

As some of you might have noticed, it's Christmas Eve tonight, but social duties won't last all night long so some of you might have wondered what to do afterwards. How about a nice round of Enemy Territory with others who abandon the restraints to sit around with the family in this somewhat holy night?
We from Coldfire, especially pesh and a bit of me, want to offer you our services as cup hosts. But to keep up the winterly feeling of this night this cup was going to be all Northpole but this idea has been trashed.
  • The map to be played throughout the tournament will be Northpole, until pesh discovered his incompetence, so now other maps will be played
  • Sign ups are open to 16 teams but the final number of team will depend on the interest of the community
  • Admins are pesh and hattfatt
  • Check-ins start now, brackets will be displayed asap

The rest of the rules as well as sign ups can be done and displayed here:
nice stealing the idea from #sienihermannit
and it's so unique too *facepalm*
Don't know if that's intended or if pesh just failed to fix that ;) I'm just here to pass this information forward :D
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