vista or xp??

hi cf :D

first i wish u merry xmas and some nice days :D

i bought a new pc with 4 gb ram and now i need a 64 version of windows.....
should i use xp 64 (heard its shit) or vista??
hi cf :D

first i wish u merry xmas and some nice days :D

i bought a new pc with 4 gb ram and now i need a 64 version of windows.....
should i use xp 64 or vista(heard its shit)??
Is there a 64bit XP?
yeah but it sucks balls
thats why iam asking for some meanings...
TBH never had any problems with mine.
Tbh i dont have any expiriences, but ive heard it sucked:)
some applications will not run on xp x64. itunes eg. had no problems otherwise
i heard the same from a friend...i think i´ll take vista
et problems incoming there though xD I'm running both OS.
Will it run on x64 Vista? Funny. Iv got iPod and never really installed iTunes..
yep it runs on vista .. ^^ you need to modify the setup file to install it on xp, but it didnt work for me :o actually I dont use itunes aswell, but I need it to synchronize my played tracks with :P
I'd say Vista Home Premium 64 bit is the way to go, I have it and its awesome :)
I use 64bit XP pro. Definetly not shit. Got 4 gigs of ram also.
Cant think of any problems Iv had. All programs iv used seem to have a 64bit version/or will work on x64 nonetheless.

If you want to use any programs that will not run on XP or you want to use DirectX10, go with Vista, otherwise XP is the best bet imo.
dont know if your etbot also works with vista, i read the latest releases are for xp only. better contact pansemuckl before
im not playing et anymore
64-bit vista

if you run into problems you can always install xp
xp > vista
I read somewhere that xp will not be updated anymore on 2010/2011 or something.
I guess by that time all the service packs will make Vista work at least ok.
ordinary xp 32 > all
Not if you have over 3GB of ram. :P
im fine with 3gb of ram
vista is ok, just take the fancy crap off of it that makes ur browsing slower (make it streamlined like xp), one thing i definately like about vista that the XP tards didnt do enough of was THREADED GUI's. so much more responsive explorer.exe and add/remove files etc, basically means there is no annoying "freeze" if u open music folders that have more than 10GB of songs, or if u open add/remove programs the list appears straight away and then is added to etc etc
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