dear santa :)

I have a problem, I need to do a simulation of a student company. Deadline is in 3 days.
So I´m asking for a business plan (7-15 pages). I suppose someone has done a plan which involves analysis of market situation, student company, marketing plan, production plan, financial plan. It doesn´t have to be a final version, but something to rely on.
Here are no santa's, so do it by yourself!
Good luck with it.
spiroze is 1st again 8888======DDDD
Ah. I sens that much labour will be needed dude :D
Well normally you have like:

SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Oppurtunities and Threats) Analyse of all the market, and productions plans.

For market situation, you should look up the other company's that are out there and compare them in: How much profit do they make, and how much stuff they sell, and ofc, size of crew(employees) etc etc.

Marketing plan: Basicly take a look what the company does to reach it's target in advertisment (radio, TV, newspaper, Internet etc.) and what the message is what they want to send out.

So if you want to simulate that, take some kind of game producer student company, and make up a cool logo, and say you are making these awesome FPS games that sell great ! Make up some financial shit, compare it to Valve, Ubisoft and others, production plan on with how many and with what amount of money you gonna make those games.

I hope this makes sense and you get this :D GL.
I know all of that, but I want finalized or partially finalized work, so I could change it a bit and get a mark :D (Christmas is giving time, so give me something) :D
Took me 4 months to make mine xD
So gl doing yours in 3 days :p
I made it once and then when it had become useless for me I sold it for 600euros.
Good Luck ;)
done that once, dunno where is it now
+ i had to collect all required docs from gov offices + step by step summary.
took me a while though its hardly possible to complete it in 3 days...
you were asleep by the most of the time or playing WoW?:)
playing football :D But I must do it in 3 days, so it will be possible :D
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