Which Graphic driver?

hey i have a Geforce 9100M G and a 9600M GS SLI in my notebook and i allready tried the 9M series driver but it didnt work...

pls help thx!
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i dont know =(

but dont listen to puu anyway :d
do you have an 9100M AND 9600M together in SLi? thats your problem, you cant place two different cards in SLi mode
from where you know that ? :o
but tbh its logical :p
reading xD
It could actually be hybrid SLI... but i honestly don't know if either one of those are capable.

edit: http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_9100m_g_mgpu_us.html
apparently it is capable

The more I think about that the more that setup makes sense, it probably saves a lot of power.
that's not normal SLi mode, hybird SLi is when you are lowering clock / shutting off one of the card while not on 3d mode :P pretty much useless
Hybrid SLI does that yes, but when gaming it also uses both GPUs in the traditional SLI way. Only certain cards are capable of it though which is why you don't see it more often, they have to be labeled "Hybrid SLI." What you are speaking of is a feature of it called Hybrid Power.

heck, waiting for the new x58 chip's will own nvidia's plans :D
mhh ? i bought a notebook and there are two cards.. if i click on a button the 2nd card is activated (hybird SLI)
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rivatuner lul or visit nC then you dont need rivatuner :i
download the drivers from the producers website, i have to do that
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