Willing to start to play poker?

I am playing poker at everest poker where you can find only stupid Frenchmen + some random italianos. So if you want to make account there and earn some money pm me first and give your name and e-mail address! You will get $100 welcome bonus and I will get 50$ for inviting you!

random pic
real money, or E-money?
well real money. If it was E-money would be stupid to pm me to get 100 dollars bonus :p
i bet its rather some first deposit bonus than getting money for free
You have 1 month or something time to earn it. More you play more you will get up to 100 dollars but its very easy to earn it tbh :p
gimme link then :D
i ll check if its good :DD
I started playing @ pokerihuone again

About 0,5 year without poker
Imo players @ pokerihuone and betsson and so on are a bit better than in sites like everest poker where you can see some Frenchmen..dno
Who cares? I'm still better ;))
Great site idd, gotta love the players on there :-D

Ps. u could just give em ur nickname...

Ye, minimum of 5 dollars or something
with 5 $ you wont be able to clear this whole 100 $ bonus! not even most parts of it.
besides that offer is not really that good as it sounds. other platforms offer much better ones
well ofc not if you lose them.. well I made 50 dollars deposit and got it.
losing 5 $ has nothing to do with poker skill as long as you dont play 0.01$/0.02$
most of the people here don't want to make any deposit so that offer is not interesting for them. and if someone actually wants to start playing poker and cash some money in he'll find even better offers :P
so, can I get money there even if I wouldn't send any real money there?
imo minimum is 5 dollars :<
pyramid schemes rawk
Kaptenski <3
lool you are back.
Yeah, but I still don't play ET anymore ;)
We do can play poker!
Ill download it today ok?:D
carbonpoker > all
I signed up on Pokerstars but playing for fun-money right now, I need to wait till 4:th januari untill i can play for real money!!! :)
I have 360$ at NoIQ :p I never send any money to it!
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