?Foreign Customs? ger?

I ordered a notebook 2 weeks ago from the US and wanted to check where my package is:

Out of Foreign Customs, December 24, 2008, 8:43 am, AUSTRIA

Into Foreign Customs, December 24, 2008, 8:33 am, AUSTRIA

Arrived Abroad, December 24, 2008, 8:33 am, AUSTRIA

Foreign Customs.. does that mean "zoll" in german? So my package already left the controls and is going to be here soon? Cause i was scared that they maybe arrest my package since its not sent as notebook to save some money at the "zoll".

Thanks :D
mhm, yeah think its "zoll", just switching the trading areas
zoll will detect it.
why is that? and i think it already left the zoll?
gratz, comment of the year
their just scanning your notebook for Germany evi pics
that's probably the reason why they passed it on so fast again :D
a dictionary would help.
you will have to pay anyway, even if it passed the zoll.
had the same with my watch i ordered from the us.
as far as i know u dont pay zoll for notebooks.. but i´m not sure if that is only in US
why shouldnt you have to pay zoll for notebooks? Oo
you can buy stuff with total costs below 150€ without payin zoll (you have to pay the mwst anyway!)
its just a rule that u dont pay zoll for notebooks aslong as they are original and not modified.

thats what a guy from soem US notebook store told me @mail
you have to pay 20% VAT for everything which surpasses a value of 22€, for notebooks too ofc. they raised the "zollfreigrenze" to 150€ this december, which means you'll also have to pay zoll-fees. there is only a minor chance that you won't have to pay anything.
was US only then.. cause on most stores (only US sells that notebook) u can read that they dotn pay "zoll" .. fucktards :(

how ever maybe i dont pay that much:

We mark the item as "warranty repaired item" and declare 1/2 the value, typically that works, we have not gotten any input from our customers that the were heavily taxed. *
you dont pay customs taxes for stuff that moves within EU
didn´t meant taxes.. i meant the costs you have to pay for transporting it into an other country (no the transport costs.. some costs to the country.. dunnow in english :( )
LoL team.at superstar has spoken
musste doch keinen zoll zahlen :D

und stand auch bei der info von meinem packet auf post.at:

Sendung zollfrei abgefertigt
that new toll-free limit will come into affect in january 2009.
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