ISraely attack on gAZA

FUCK YE finnaly some action and ownage on retardted terrorists!
too bad none related to terrorism people getting hurt, but mostly of them are defending suporting it, so fuck them, let the "peace" begin!
wat? :!O

You my friend, are an idiot
u my freind are an 15 years old child that lives in "amovie" called life
Jew's are the scum of the earth.

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and I got banned for 2 days just for being "rude" towards an admin...
Your point being hater?
haha true words dude!
Jews are the scum of the earth.
Oh see, a highbrow!
Israeli are the scum of the earth...
"too bad none related to terrorism people getting hurt, but mostly of them are defending suporting it, so fuck them, let the "peace" begin! "

u r an 19 year old retard if u think killing innocent people is the solution for this crap
Do you really think a 2 year old kid has a clue who's side it's on?

I can understand you'r defending your country, but the reason this bullshit still hasn't stopped is because all those fucktards are thinking the way you are
you are the idiot here but what ever
Oh noes, the jews are attacking me.
ur iq is too low to attack.
i heard about this situations..but i was aspleep so...i will take a cup of coffee to reflect
u just wake up? :)
not exactly...i woke up early at 5am, but i pass the all day in bed cus i got infuence :<
they will never stop fighting...
Gaza militants have been lobbing dozens of rockets and mortars into southern Israel since a six-month truce expired over a week ago, prompting Israel's fierce retaliation

what did u expected.
that the trouble in the middle-east wont stop in the next 50 years... unless everyone there stops fighting about what releligion is the best..
its not a fight about religion
they wants half or more of our country
"middle east"

and ur i think the first who says its not about religion loel
because its not
yess and what religion does the israeli have and what does the palestinians have? and for what reasons the israeli captured the land? think a bit futher mate..
It's not really about religion. It's about the fact that Israel took their land from them and they want it back.
yess and what religion does the israeli have and what does the palestinians have? and for what reasons the israeli captured the land? think a bit futher mate..
The israeli didn't capture the land because the muslims lived there, they did it because of jerusalem (they 'needed' their own country) and because lot of jews lived there already.
The first reason was because the israeli stole the land, the 2nd reason came later and that was indeed religion (war feeds it). If Israel wouldn't have stolen their land, this war would never have happened.
So think a bit further m8...
"The israeli didn't capture the land because the muslims lived there, they did it because of jerusalem"

ur saying it yourself mate ;)

true, the capturing of the land wasnt a direct assault on the palistinian muslim ppl, but you know the yews are already hated for more then 2000 years (also by romans and christians). So the muslims rather love to see the jews death or not in "their"territory... Its hard to say who is wrong and who is right, causes go back way to far in the history. Imo they should stop this war, but its hard to convince 2 diffirent kind of peoples with a whole different view of the world.

The reason why the western world doesnt stop israel is because they dont want to be called anti-semitic and money ofc.
we don't fucking fight about which religion should be ruled there, so it's not a fucking religion war
i wont argue with you since it seems you cant take a objective look at this
yes, because i learned this crap and you are arguing with someone who has alot of knowledge about this, it's not that i'm looking further at it, you might be looking it at the wrong way because of the way we captured the area
i m a history student, ive read many books about it. I Have no doubt you know alot about it, since u live there, but you must admit you cant call yourself objective because you live there ;) thats just the way it works mate, like i cant be objective about some things holland did...
I personally don't think the west can do that much about it. Well, ok, ofc they can use their money and influence etc.. blablabla but I think it's an internal affair between israel & palestina or jews vs muslims if u want. If they really want to end it, they should talk and fix the problem. The west can come up to help negotiations or something but imo they should use their brains for a sec and search a solution.

And I said Jerusalem just because it is seen as the birthplace for the jewish, muslims & christians so that's why the jewish wanted jerusalem but it wasn't because it was land of the muslims or something. (so indirect maybe yes religion but actually it's secondary to stealing the land)

"true, the capturing of the land wasnt a direct assault on the palistinian muslim ppl, but you know the yews are already hated for more then 2000 years (also by romans and christians). So the muslims rather love to see the jews death or not in "their"territory... "

Yes, but the muslims also hate the west (christians) and they want us dead too but u don't see them fighting the christians in a war or killing christians in israel or wherever. (except for some attacks in the world but they do it also against budhistic people etc...)
only half?? well WTF you got the whole thing from the english so...
that should be a fair thing because they lived there in the first place, then the jews came and took it from them by force
because you took it from them
just play on cb3 cfg then :x
sensless shit
Gaza militants have been lobbing dozens of rockets and mortars into southern Israel since a six-month truce expired over a week ago, prompting Israel's fierce retaliation

same comment needed :P
our goverment wants to defend the citizens
nothing sensless in that.
ye israel is the victim etc etc bullshit.
your government stole palestinian land in 1948 and took all the spots with water
correction, they didnt steal it. the English gave it too them... but still.

now can some admin plz ban this asshole TeRm111 from spreading political propaganda?
well they were given the land by Allies, which were being run by Jews nonetheless.

war = sensless shit
Fuck the Middle East.
Those are two really screwed-up groups of people, they will keep killing each other till the last one is left. But I don't really care as long as they don't come closer and/or get a third group involved.
Fuck the Middle East.
most retarded country in the world ever - israel

i heard ^jESUS has killed 18 palestinians already today!
FUCK YE finnaly some action and ownage on retardted terrorists!

FUCK YE lets do the same shit to them, but worse, so they have a reason to attack us back, validating total rape of a minority population, YE!

we are destroying the ammo/rockets of gaza terrorists to avoid it,
not to mention the fact that they are doing it already for the past 3 years.(attacking our population)

yeah, and i suppose you know enough of the origin of the conflict to validate what your country is doing now? oh wait you don't.
im fighting in this conflict and every israely knowns what the origin of that, its the none stoping attacks on our cities by them with their mortars and rockets.
you're smarter than that
:DDD you honestly, really, do not have a clue, do you? About the fact that our people were living in 'your' country way before you, about the UN consensus to evenly split the country until your 'heros' decided to neglect UN initiatives and go ahead and 'liberate' a country that was already inhabited, about how what you know the explanation for this to be is not even close to what a reasonable and unbiased explanation would be like?

I'd like you to read this quote and think again.

“The reason that Israel has been able to appropriate Palestine unto itself with American aid and support is that Israel controls the explanation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 90% of the people, if they know anything at all of the issue, know only the Israeli propaganda line. Israel has been able to control the explanation, because the powerful Israel Lobby brands every critic of Israeli policy as an anti-semite who favors a second holocaust of the Jews.”

shoutout Paul Craig Roberts.
i seriosly dont have the power to start this efight now sry :D
but think about this fact- does israely people blow up on palestinian citizens?
How many Palestinians have the Israelis killed already? Much more then the palestinians have killed Israeli. The only way to defend themself is by using mortars and stuff. Why did u even took their land in the first place? You knew this would happen... (especially if u take all the green places, the coast, teh water,etc...)
QuoteAbout the fact that our people

you dont look like a palestinian oO
ah well your name isnt palestinian either :p
and they are attacking you without a reason?

we care so much !
so jews have a break and stopped playing ET, dont they?
FUCK YE perhaps Theodor will be called up to defend Israel and we'll be rid of him!
theodor servce @ kitchen
israel did the right think, should kill all that terrofags.

hi term1:)

and after that they should kill themselves
stfu and get out
they are dumb enough to think this will bring them peace : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nice being proud of this shit, retarded mofo
we should be.
and we are.
please give us someone like Yitzhak Rabin back
I hate Jew's.
TeRm111 seems to be doing a good job in replacing TheoDor as resident Israeli idiot after he was banned.
theres adiffrence between spaming useless crap and saying what u think about awar thats going on in ur city/country.
k tnx
Both Israeli tools.
u as aperson should actually get some education outside ur country
and respect other people feelings/ thoughts, but i guess u failed.
Epic comment is epic.
maybe you should stop locking them up in that shithole called gaza.
they failed though, would've been nice for hanukkah ^^
it should be the other way around :(
what a sad day
i dont say that you termi are stupid because u are a jew,
but i say that you are an idiot because you support this shit of your retarded gouvernment. if there wouldnt be israel and their fucking money (USA) then there wouldnt be this fucking terrosimshit
lets nuke them, so we dont have to hear about this crap
haha gotta love it, hopefully they kill each other!
i hate those fckin palestinas
nukes are the answer
why did u have to do this journal? you already know this will get into a big fight of conflicts, just avoid this and stop telling xfire about what we do, it's not their buisness
I can't wait until the Middle East really explodes. Ancient hatred and modern weapons. My kind of show, man!
I hope somebody will find the drainplug of the Middle East soon, then we can just pull it out and let them sink to the bottom of the sea.
Shit make an oil catcher first!
oil floats ;-), we only have to find a good way to get it back to us in barrels
gaza attack israel for about 3 years now killing citizens and without any reply from israely army to those actions

so im fucking happy somthing is finally done to stop the killing.
Maybe cause its there country, fool?
bullshit that whole war is so subjective, from both sides
And who are u killing? lions? birds? yes only civilians...

Brainwashing at it's best.
Says the communist xD
At it's very best.
you miss understood his point because of his last sentence, the point of the attack was to neutralize the spots that throws qassam on a poor city, where they can't do anything, and there were no reaction from us the israeli army towards this situations
we are all aware of what happens in gaza, soldiers are humiliating and harrasing arabs there, but it;s not something we support, it's not the goverment's actions on this, there are just some idiotic and freak people who are too blind with their power of "controling" hose areas with weapons
seriously, how many people died in total because of qassam rockets? 10? you justify killing more than 200 people on one day with the most modern warfare because of that shitty ancient weapon? I know it's a thread to you and your thinking of freedom, but that's just fucked up, it's a spiral of violence which must be stopped and not strenghtened.
357 civialians and each day 60 rockets falling in our land causing 750k people to live in fear
get ur numbers right.
it's 24/7 they launch at us, and yeah, i justified nothing, this is a fucked up situatio where no side is right here
you seem to be one of the only smart isrealis here, respect for that.
just nuke them all..
But seriously will anyone care anymore, after all these years just to get some more land? Will it end?
Or not? This war is way too long now.
Maybe they will finally stop? I don't know
But i have lost hope...

The time will come someday
Happy days will rise
Every jew will praise the
Mighty LORD

But yet again, its israel and gaza
Other than that we can only wait and see
Time will tell though i would
Hate to wait tbh.

Answer to stop this war is pretty simple. First one to find the secret message wins
Kill them both, then make Israel as Finland's holiday spot.
as long as this doesnt happen here...
soon we will have enough moslims in europe who want to have their land ...
no fear ! a new fuhrer will be there to lead to great victory and success
du är fjortispojkar.
nej! mr peddo :<
The "Apes and Pigs" bomb back? Good luck IDF!
they should have killed the jews tbfh
Israel is just like the USA, retarded.

and btw...their not terrorist.

i understand you support your country, but those palestinians are right.
been waitin for it aswell :(
I wanna ask to all the people who have posted in this journal if they really think what they have written.
yes i think that jews are less worth then other humans.
I lost a bomb, do you have it?
I noticed somthing that most of you dont understand.

THESE ARABS BOMB US FOR FUCKING SEVEN YEARS. get the number. and we never really attacked \ made serious operation like this.

as one who comes from militery family, Lieutenant Colonel father, Pilot cousin & EliteCommando unit cusin im PROUD to see that finally Israel Israel react as needed to stop & kill the threat
please, provide me the following numbers:
- how many israelis have been killed in the last 7 years?
- how many arabs have been killed in the last 7 years (by israelis)?
Math isnt my strong side, but in the last seven years, TOO MANY Israelis died because of suicide bombers.

Fucking seven years, it's probably half of your lifetime by the way you try to scatter your wisdom everywhere.
If a lot of israelis died, it might have been 50. And now you killed 250 people with one attack? You must be kidding me, if you say that's a justified strike. It's nothing else but disproportional.
They killed MUCH more on the past seven years. they could send a suicide bomber, kill 20 people. and we'd not react
Give me a reliable source which says the Hamas killed more people in the past 7 years. And it's not true that israel did never react, many people were killed by israelian attacks. The ones who die often are civilians though, because of the brilliance of the israelian army.
I'm sorry, but nobody enjoy counting our losts.

I dont have to proof anything / explane my country's actions. we have our reasons and here's a fact: NONE OF THE EURO \ USA countries never said more than "stop" or "you shouldnt do that" - why dont they stop us? or push our goverment to? think about the secret reason
Because not every country solves it's problems by using the primordial power of force. Some countries found more intelligent and more effective ways.
Like what?
It's not as Palestine would be better in any way.

Quoteand we never really attacked \ made serious operation like this.

You have 'stolen' their land. They live in poverty and you live on the fat of the land.

Quoteas one who comes from militery family, Lieutenant Colonel father, Pilot cousin & EliteCommando unit cusin im PROUD to see that finally Israel react as needed to stop & kill the threat

A very stupid vicious circle, which will end in more conflicts and deaths. You won't stop anything. You will cause more hate and fanatism. That is how it worked the previous 60 years.

QuoteI dont have to proof anything / explane my country's actions. we have our reasons and here's a fact: NONE OF THE EURO \ USA countries never said more than "stop" or "you shouldnt do that" - why dont they stop us? or push our goverment to? think about the secret reason

Simple-minded³. Counter question, so the US' war against Iraq was definitely right and legitimate, as nobody stopped them military?

You are provocating a very, very dangerous escalation.
Shame for saying we stole their land, because we didnt.

we recived the land from the UN. and we'll fight for it
erm not all of it...

Quotecalling for full Israeli withdrawal from all the Arab territories occupied since June 1967, in implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, reaffirmed by the Madrid Conference of 1991 and the land for peace principle
The slow, calculated crippling of a people can lead to nasty consequences.
When I see people like you talking that bullshit, I start looking forward to Ahmedjnedshads radioactive solution on that problem. You fucking deserve it.

Oh and don't reply on this comment please, I won't waste another hour arguing with a fool again, like I did with theodor.
I really am trying to avoid the hate, but its getting pretty hard when I get to see civilians/kids murdered and/or wounded on TV. The numbers seem horrifying, when you think about "1" is enough already, yet death of 200+ ppl...

Dont get me wrong, I hate fundementalist muslims myself, but in the end they are bunch of camelfuckers wth sticks....and they are marked as "TERORRISTs" who each time got assraped so hard (afgahistan & Iraq and now in Gaza)....its kinda ironic when the "democratic human life preserving open minded" western civilizations are the ones who are actually pulling off the massacres (and or supporting them - or at least not trying to stop em), and those camelfuckers with sticks are the terrorists...

Every child grows up learning their part of the story, successfully strengthening the hatred betwen the countries, and just puking anger at each other rather then trying to understand and solve the situation.

However I dont believe this could be solved, because Jews wont just give up the land that was given to them, and muslims......they wont even get bored to die I can assure you, because althought this might be a hard thing to understand for western ppl, a muslim dying in a war, becoming a martry, is the highest achivement he can get. So killing them will not solve your problems, but just power their will to die up ( meanwhile getting a couple of kills themselves)
this is like the dumbest journal ever. nobody here can understand what we been thorugh so ur opinion is totally crap.
i wanna u see running when u hear the alarms of the missiles.
ur just a pricks if u think we responsible for these things.
we have the rights to defend ourselfs. too bad there are too many innocent people in the way. hurt them is not our intention.
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