config corner

As there was such thing, then to avoid incidents like it in the future, i got an idea that xfire will do a cfg corner in which ppl can upload their cfg's and they will be checked for cvar like this so u don't have to worry about shit like this, also that would mean less topics like "need high/low quality cfg" etc
What do u think of the idea?
though it would mean less stupid posts in which case u could laugh so hard , but then again....stupidity has no limits : )
no :(
every journal/forum topic is good
why dont u do that ?
it doesn't take that long to read through someone's cfg, especially not when you're checking for bad cvars.. Or at least don't be stupid enough to use a random unlike crAsh did (feel sorry for him though).
try it on a server that doesnt stream to pb?
this is my mate
he got banned for 3 months after he downloaded a cfg from crossfire with a command "aim = 1.00000"
we tried to contact a CB admin, sent him links and cfg, but all we got was "next time you should be more careful with the cfg's, the ban stays as a warning" I was like rotfl, the cfg has like 1000 strings so should he check every fucking line to avoid this kind of situations?(what is more, there were some screens included to the cfg so people can check how it looks like before DL, so my mate prolly havent checked even 1 line, why should he lol, we also sent links to them to the admin but he was like whatever)
that was the biggest stupidity I've ever seen from CB

so yes, I support this idea
try configs at your brother's/cat's pc
just if you check them
it's PB that is fucked..
you could also ban ppl on crossfire if they post bot commands, that would even be easier and less effort.
kik_aim = 1 is the oldest joke around here, too bad you fell 4 it
can't fusen just make a feature that whenever a cheat cvar like kik_aim or ot_logo or xx_aim or other shit like that will give you an error and cannot post the comment?

Or when i say ban ppl who type them do it next time.
its a fucking joke, what do we have to code special features 4 stupid ppl now
btw wtf are you doing running to admins requesting bans 4 ppl, get life
Some people like tapsa have fun spamming kik_ commands in the middle of a config, i just tell sol (since hes always online) to nuke his comment, and i think it would be fair to ban him /care if he's doing it for fun, if he atleast is gonna write a cheat cvar he should atleast point out not to copy it or just don't do it at all, whats the point, makes you look cool? omgloliez i know some cheat cvars and can get INNOCENT ppl banned for 3months, not all ppl know that you can get kicked for a cvar if you don't have the cheat, some don't even know that it would be a cheat cvar, some wont notice. its just stupid to do it and there is no point, ban the guy who posts it or just make some feature that will dissallow some certain cvars, prevention is better than cure, and seeing PB decline Switzerland crAsh's appeal is quite ridiculous i have to say, he gave them all the proof and even that knob crittie admitted it.
u mean a word filter? it would be really harsh to add all those cvars from the md5 tbh :/
Well, i can't think of another option tbh, maybe somoene can make a program which scans for the cvars/md5 its made to scan for, if it finds these it will give you a WARNING to delete them or auto delete the cvars?
ok ok but if CF had a great cfg tutorial we would not have this discussion. so here is your chance, make one!
i would do it but there's always people who dislikes reading and they could probably fail over and over..
true. i dont even get this whine about bad cvars jokes 4 god sake 1 guy got banned
i totally disagree with the proposal cause i really doubt that someone will have enough time to review random cfgs, just because someone wants to use it .. ive never used anyones cfg. i might took some ideas at the begin to build mine, but i think that if you're going to try anyones config its on your own risk.
to crashh all those suspicious cvars are on the MD5 no matter if they're old .. you're appeal ban failed cause the pic you submitted didn't show the "cvar" in there, u took it too late or the guy who posted the cvar deleted it before you took the screenshot.
Well, i can scan the configs, i always do that for any config there is and also have a 100+ list of detected cvars.
stop changing your name of xfire dammit <3.. so its okay for you :P ..
Some naughty admins are changing it, my suspect list is either Poland sol or Anonymous nellie :p
fx_aim 1

standard prefix from what program mr. detective?
good idea
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