
I have a question for all of you. Yes, i know that a lot users won't take this serious, because they are maybe too retarded to write a normal sentence. I hope at least some of you will take this serious and don't write such a crap like "i hate all jews, all muslims are terrorists".

My question to you is:

Which part is right in your opinion ? Palestina or Israel

Furthermore, why are they fighting for so long now ? Why does noone accept a peacecontract or something like that ? Why do all people compare muslims with terrorists ? and my last quetion to this topic is: Where does Isreal get the money from? Still because of the WW2? or from the USA ? and if so..why does usa support them.

Yes, there are many questions from me, but i want to know something more about this topic and i hope that some people around here can help me.

regards tim
do not want
ask Chuck Norris?
pls stop

stop political stuff on cf plz
and why? just because everyone says it all the time? because they have no clue ? if i tell you every day that a dog isnt a dog and its a cat...then you will think after some time that a dog is really a cat because everyone is telling it you.
lol man for me the answer is simple, world should help palestina, this is not their fault that the terrorists attack izrael, if izrael wants to do something, they should attack only the right targets, not civils as they're doing now. palestinian civils havent done anything, so for me it's clear that izrael is just attacking palestina.

The peacecontract which u ask ended like one week before the bombs hit the land, so the only way is to make a new one. I hope it will happen but prolly wont, since both sides dont want to

Jews and terrorism? All I can think about is the second world war, when everyone were terrorists for jews and if somebody thinks that the jews are terrorist he must be fucking stupid. of course there are radicals, but they arent speaking for the nation.

Why USA helps them? Man pls, why does USA helps anyone? Money, money, money... all wars are because of some goods like access to some important land, oil etc etc.. USA supports the countries which has them, or attack countries which has them but dont want to make friendship with them ;)
From what i know, this whole war is about access to the jordan river... AWhich means its all abut money :P

Why ppl compare muslims to the terrorists? Because they cant fight an open war against Israel, they use sabotage methods... Some time ago it was normal way of fighting, after 11 september the word terrorism got new meaning...
Maybe go to a political forum or something instead of asking some no-life, dumb and retarded faggots on a journal of a gaming site.
it takes only 1 big bomb to finnish them both!
Both are right in their own way. Arabs have been in that region before the Jews which were given the right to create a homeland in the area by the British. Then, in a fateful night in 1948 Gurion proclaimed the Israelian state, which resulted in a war with all the Arab states around the newly founded Israel. The thing is, that Europe offered a resolution that gave both peoples about 50% of the land, which the Arabs, stupid as they are, turned down. A lot of back and forth, some wars, bla bla, then Arafat and Rabin shake hands, promise to make everything better bla bla and get the Nobelpeaceprize for that. Arafat dies, Fatah loses power, Hamas takes over the PLO, which represents the Arabs in Palestine and blablub they want all the Jews ded.

Furthermore, why are they fighting for so long now ?
-Because just when they were about to find a solution, Arafat died and the extremist wing of the Palestines took over

Why does noone accept a peacecontract or something like that ?
-Past: Because Israelis won't remove their settlements in Palestinian areas in time
-Nowadays: Extremist muslims want to have the entire Israeli state removed

Why do all people compare muslims with terrorists ?
-Because their only way to lead a war is with terror, due to extreme poverty in refugee camps in Lebanon and such

and my last quetion to this topic is: Where does Isreal get the money from? Still because of the WW2? or from the USA ?
-They managed to set up a very well working industry, partly military, partly engineering
-In the times after having created Israel it was supported by the US to sort of create an enclave on muslim soil
when talking about the funding of israel we should consider that the jews who had the money to emigrate to america in the early stages of ww2 were the ones with successful businesses and so on, so alot of moneyed jews were in america and subsequently were able to fund / subsidise the israeli state to this day
Of course we should.
There's no real wrong and right in this matter. Imo they don't even know anymore what they are fighting about or who started it. They simply keep on taking revenge for the other one's actions. They won't stop fighting because both sides are too stubborn to give something up.

People confuse muslims with terrorists because the most extremely religious muslims use all kinds of stupid excuses to fight and attack people. Compare it to nazi's who looked at others as being inferior. Or compare it to the Christian crusades in the medieval times to spread religion, which was just a bad excuse to subdue other countries.

Israel uses government money which is made by all kinds of imcomes, internal taxes, but also foreign trades.
I'm sure the crossfire community will be able to resolve this problem!
at least they can give me some good answers, which help me a lot to understand the mainproblem :)
QuoteWhy does noone accept a peacecontract or something like that ?

I don't think that's what they want.

Anyway, I don't support the state of Israel.
But God gave it to them!
God doesn't exist
you just say that cuz he placed you in that shitcountry, hater
Im just a realist, that's all

My country is catholical in 97%

now they will roll over and die
Agree on the last line.
obviously palestina is, everything got taken away from them. they all live in poverty and the jews took over there country and are fucking rich. Jews themself arent that much better then hilter
QuoteWhy does noone accept a peacecontract or something like that ?

Imagine that the Dutch invade Germany and occupy a territory in the western Germany...you would still be supporting a peacecontract in that case?
Can't imagine since Hollands soldats wouldnt even be able to occupy their own country.
i dont know them, and i dont care what are they doing, both idiots
hope that there won't come a day when the rest of the world says that about your country...
I dont have a country, i just live somewhere doesnt matter where. take that buddy
cmon theodor where are you, make me laugh
banned afaik





> total war <

(palestina's right btw)
Ignoring me being Israeli, I'm supporting this attack. It came because the Palestines aggressive attitude. The story is that we didn't want to start a war, but the Palestines didn't stop dropping bombs and grads on the nearest cities to Gaza. We warned them more then 1 time and well, that's the results.

I'm against war and have many friend who's Palestinian, but that's deserved. (Sorry for my really bad English, tried my best).
Isn't it only the Hamas controlled Gaza that is the biggest problem at the moment? I mean, compared to the Fatah controlled West Bank. I am i completely messed up in my info here? :)
Basically, the PLO is an institution that governs the autonomic region that makes the Arab palestine and the Fatah and Hamas are two parties, Hamas being the extremist ones and Fatah the moderate (Arafat).

The major problem all in all is that after years and years of Fatah government nothing really came out in the end so Arabs lost trust and elected the Hamas to take control.
That's just a response about this last attack. But this way it can go back and forth endlessly. It's an endless cycle of retaliation which will never stop untill there's a real and acceptable solution for both sides.
- Palestinians never dropped bombs on israel, they only fired Kassam rockets and carried out suicide attacks as far as I know
- The Hamas killed around 50 (estimated) israelians during the last few years
- Because of the Hamas you the israelian army killed around 230 civilians in one day's time

I live in Israel. I have a friend who got killed by Kassam.
It doesn't matter how many they killed, their is no reason for killing. This attack came after several warning and longtime Kassam firing.

The problem with the European people is that the media is very problematic and not always telling the truth.
Exactly, that's exactly where I see the problem too. The media aren't reliable, but that's common knowledge. What you don't understand is, that the majority of the european media is pro-israel, and not pro-palestina. Many israelis say 'ye, you watched pro-arab tv', when I start talking about the conflict, and try to show them, that they're no always right, and that what israel does isn't the right thing.

I think if people from the outside of a conflict really analyze it, they can get more accurate opinions, or can get to more accurate results than people coming from one of the parties involved in the conflict. That's not because people who are involved were stupid, but because people from the outside don't get influenced or kind of 'blinded' by things that happen in the conflict. If for example my best friend got killed by the other party, I would want them to pay for that and lost focus of the main issues, often also caused by the propaganda practiced by the army or the own country.
Israelis I have spoken to so far always told me 'You can't understand that, you live in the Chocolate World, where everything is great, you don't see people dying in the streets, etc'. But I think I can understand it atleast as good, because it's not like only Israelis are dying in the conflict, there are much more arabs who died there yet, and israelian people don't seem to see that, they just want their vengeance.
And that's exactly what I hate about those guys, they are being so fucking arrogant and think they're right with everything they say, while they're clearly losing focus of the main problems. Just read what that Term1 guy wrote in his journal, it's a great example for what I'm writing here.
This Term1 guy is a great example of an idiot Israel citizen which his knowledge conclude at zero. I support your opinion because the situation is very complicated. But in the growing part of the country in 1947-8, all the ares and lands were bought by the first Jews that came here.
Wow. Even in Israel there are some rather intelligent people.
I'm more intelligent in my own language. :P
Well, it's the same for me, but I don't speak Hebrew, and you don't speak Swissgerman... So we gotta stick to English. We could also stick to either Spanish, French or normal German though!
If I would knew one of those languages. :D
they are both wrong, they need to GTFO and stop fighting + living on holy land.
This guy has the answer ... just stop fighting! That easy ... how come noone had this idea before ..,

+ living retard
are you a girl? blond? and about 13 years old? No I dont want to have sex with you (not now) but you display the same naivity!
oh my god! RETARD
Shall I repeat?
no need its still there. its a written reply. retard
But it seem you didnt understand it. whats the point of the bolt written stuff? secret msg? gtfo.
i do understand that you are a RETARD!. your second ? you have already answered ;D.
Why isn't stopping the fights a solution?
I rly dont wanna start this ... stop arguing and living together in peace is a ideal which is not enforceable. Survival of the fittest; and fittest, in this case means the one that makes the opposition surrender.
And now pls no "but what if ..." sentence.
as a facist I have no opinion for this situation.
"Israel should be wiped off the map" - A Random Arab
Israel ofc, they are the chosen people. Stupid to argue with God.
don't know enough to have an oppinion.
war = profit thats why they continue
both sides got their heads up their asses!
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