H-birthday Hermogenes con H

Today is a special day, one day like this, but 48 years ago, was born Hermogenes con H, the best player of Enemy Territory and COD2 of all the times, ages, etc.

Long Life Hermogenes con H!! WE LOVE YOU HERMOGENES CON H!!
long life for duracell!

Quote/.../Today is a special day, one day like this, but 48 years ago/.../

You mean the day of... happiness; joy; kids who do not have social life because they are living in the internet; narrow minded people; sharming people; people who have decided to run a Enemy Terriory cup first thing on a new year, instead of going outside; beautiful womens; anorectics; war; stupidity; the day - Sunday 28th December.

Happy B-day
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