crAsh unbanned : )

Just wanted to mention I am unbanned now. Hope this will help to get a bit of my reputation back.

Thanks a very lot to the fair PB admins, especially MaydaX and CB admin Killerboy for your support. I would also like to thank the community to those who supported me and took time to read my forum thread. Especially I would like to thank SsAP :D, rise, my team and of course everyone else I forgot.

Log of the lifted ban

If you are a nolifer you can of course read the story here.

This was a lesson enough. :)

ps. sorry for the spam ;)

j/k dunno u

no srsly cheater

nah dunno u
you must be bored, Albert
me 2 , putting some pictures in flash and make it so it can move (animeren:P)...

getting fries and frikandel at work soon, costs from the boss jewweetzelluf!:D
yum :D sounds good
fries war = patat oorlog with frikandel mayo
where u gonna get it?
pakhuis, you c that snackbar if you go by bus from veenendaal - ede!
which reputation? your highskiller? oldskool?
oMgoAsh the 3on3 cup owner!
and noncheater ofc?
once a cheater, always a cheater ;X
nice, still you got owned :D
nice mate =D
wb !:>
The real crAsh ?
Yes, not the CZ faker :o
unfair, ban was deserved
lol_aim "1"
pbbansadmins != pbadmins
I hope you've learned something from it :))

QuoteNever underestimate the power of human stupidity.
~ Robert Heinlein~
Let's party, woo
Ah, attentionwhoring.
The greatest return of 2008
et is dead
you're lucky :) cool to see that killerboy can sometimes act like a human! ofc this doesn't mean he is a human..
comment of the year :DDDD
he is probably the most retarded from crossfire, and thats saying somethig
lol coder, write etbots for next NC pls
lucker :D
cvar bans are awesome
nice but be more aware in the time of fools
lol wtf :S

Ban the bastard! :D
hehe thanks for the support :)
cheating bastard
w000t :P
give a shit

shud get a lifetime ban
gj killerb
welcome back marcel<3
btw why i m not mentioned :[
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