two new images from Wolfenstein

The guys from Big Download posted two new images of Wolfenstein,in their article about "games we hope to be playing in 2009"
image: 6595_360_110708001_001_ra
image: 6595_360_110708001_016_ra

for more infos:
do not want
do want aliens!
play AvP 2 then:P
I would like to take this opportunity to tell the developers that we don't give a slight fuck about how the players look like anymore (there have been 30ss and 2 trailers without a FIRST PERSON VIEW Screenshot) Thanks
1/3 xbox hud 1/3 ironsight :D
We want for PC, like anyguy playing on xbox can outaim a guy playing on PC ;D
usb keyboard + usb mouse + xbox360 :O)
does that work? <_<
I saw a box for 10€ :D
You can use keyboard+mouse ingame.
Without that box you only can type in xbl chat with keyboard :<
tbh things like HUD & details as such always get changed in the last minutes of development and are recreated all over ;)
I just want to see how the gun will look like, if there will be strafing and not some COD_BREAKLEGSWHENJUMPING :p
it will have ironsight, make a guess
Nice pics. I just hope that it won't be the pics which are good in this game.
looks like it wont run well @ my comp :<
I am getting lag for looking those pictures, it won´t definately even install on my comp :/
yep, i can imagine that i BUY it and install which takes 15 min, et 30sec and then 5,3 fps with low details, thats very sad :<
Imo, they would earn more if they :

-repair pb
-make wolfenstein $$ game
-keep it up by fixing bugs n stuff
-doing those things 2,5 y ago
keep everything the same in ET but make graphics nicer, for the graphic whores =o
I'm not interested in ET when I have to pay for it.
Rtcw2 is not a free game -,-
2nd pic is a bit wierd?..1st 1 aint bad :)
the explanation for 2nd:
QuoteHere's another look at the game which will take place in both the "real" world and in another parallel supernatural plane of existence as well
That sounds like a really stupid concept that doesn't make much sense either ;-/
I thought they wanted to make it like the old wolfenstein not some sci-fi shit bleh
old rtcw was also unreal...
not in a parallel universe & shit ;-x
yes it was. they where fiddling with demons and stuff from other dimensions.
"the game which will take place in both the "real" world and in another parallel supernatural plane of existence as well"
rtcw was real world only iirc -__- there were demons & stuff but the screen never was like in the second picture..
looks nice
I guess it will be ET for another 5 years. When will the developers understand we don't want goodlooking shit.
i kinda agree but only if new wolf is with some shitty engine which would totally make the game fail
I just got a feeling they are spending to much time to make it look good, instead of focusing on multiplayer. No-one cares about SP anyway
Tell that to the game companies and the huge amounts of casual gamers. We, comepetitive gamers, are just a very small part of the entire market.

SP > MP in games, it is what sells the game.
fucking indeed
Welcome to the real world!

I love that song, used to think that she was so hawt back in 98 :P
SP games are ownage
id tech 4 says hello to you my friend

quake 4 & et:qw etc ;) but very much edited I guess
so it will be failure
I'm just glad to know that you can actually TJ in intech 4 aswell, as in q3...after some minor changes:P
i dont know ati..i guess never?
aha..tnx lover:D
Looks nice, but honestly these days I don't give a shit about graphics anymore ;-/ it's the gameplay that keeps a game alive. Et:qw had nice graphics too, and we all know what happened with that game...
If I would buy it I would probably just remove all the fancy effects & turn details down to get a decent fps.
failed for me after i saw the 2nd pic.
First pic looks nice and promising, but the second one is just horrible.
lol W2 is with monsters? xD
anyway just fix pb!
Doom 3 Engine The Fuck!
no niggr fop anymore? :(((
then i cant cry in vent that every1 who kills an allies fop is a racist bastard :((
gameplay > graphics

enough said
ppl who game like 1h a week ye
the sad thing is :< if it looks good moar ppl who game like 1h a week will buy it, and they pay the same price as i do -> means easy money for them
in a few months you will
im not impressed
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