Clanbase disliking mystic.

I just noticed that clanbase removed mystic's application for finnish NC captain. I told him about it and he made the application again. What is this shit? Why would clanbase remove it? Isn't it about players deciding the captains not clanbase crew?

And they did it again. Stop it.
you just wanna show that you talked to mystic
you just wanna show that you talked to mystic
you just wanna..

omg just what dezire said
get banned retard
For the alliance!
no u, wnbfinn
funny shit
maybe he should try again with his real nick and be happy if he gets even 1 vote?
dont forget his fanboism
fanboy please leave
Quote I told him about it and he made the application again.

ye thats why there were 10 ips that all matched to huPoo.

hupoo = mystic
haha, hupoo is that good to be called mystic?
Even better.
it's not mystic. ip check shows it's actually you huPoo... don't be so lame and get a life
Is this official reply from clanbase?
it is... don't fakenick people and try to apply for captain of the team... you put his info in your application so i take the right to remove it...

you must have used this nick for over 10 years then be be before him?
nice being drunk bartichello! be be be? :D
drunk? i think you are the one that's drunk ;p
why does ignore not work on journals.. pls
hahahahaha fail :p
He created a fake account some years ago.
No I didn't, I changed my nick to my old nickname. There's like 500 slayer's in clanbase, can't there be 2 mystics? I used the nick before him anyway...
ask bchello :)
gl mystic.
shame on you, disgracing mystic's name
serious shit m8!:D
yeah dude, there are not many rules in the ET scene, but the two most important can't be broken:
1. never disgrace mystic or mystic's name
2. never fail to give bullvox a LAN hat on CPC/CDC/CC
went to 3 lans.. and only got 1 hat here :(
yeah, CPC >> all
gl mystic
lol @ 31 PL applications :XD
Hupo kapteeniks!
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