PSN Game Trading Anyone?

Just wondering if anyone fancied doing some PSN game trading?

Got lots of games, don't see why we don't swap and save ourselves some money!

Have Tekken 5, Bionic Commando, SSHD, Pixeljunk Eden and Monsters, Wipeout HD, Linger in the Shadows + PSX games.

If anyone reads this, knows what i am talking about and is interested just let me know.
i know you mister
you always whined :(
why ben, why?
negationism is not nice
Will add u 2morrow, give me your add plz... I have some PS1 games some PS3 games and I got the COD4 map pack.
I know you too! But I dont know what PSN is :<
such a gayboy
Splash my nuts Chesire.
you can send them to me !
DtSje, send me your games and I'll send naked pictures of myself.

Much love, Rebel.
how can u trade em?
PSN games can be stored on 5 different PS3's. The user just logs into the other guys account and downloads them, other guy does the same. Once the download has started, logout and it will keep downloading. Make sure you change your password but keep the account of the person with the games (as long as it is their password or not the games will work), and voila you both have the games.
Dont have any games on my HDD im afraid.
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