Windows 7 beta 1 review

image: 256946-480-360

"The first beta of Microsoft's upcoming Windows 7 operating system, the successor to Windows Vista, will be released to the public for beta testing in January. Build 7000, or Beta 1, of Windows 7 is nothing more than Build 6801 with a few tweaks added to it. was able to get our hands on the public beta that will be released for general download sometime in January 2009. Windows 7 looks very promising right now in the sense that it seems solid and addresses a lot of the complaints and issues that Windows Vista currently has.

The fact that the first beta of Windows 7 is very solid and stable means that it is very far along in development, actually much further in development than previous betas of Windows. This beta release will feel like more of a release candidate (RC) for avid tech enthusiasts and past Windows beta/RC testers. The review that follows is in-depth and filled with screen shots of what we think are the most important parts of Windows 7 that are either new, or are improvements over Windows XP/Vista."

You can read the entire article at: TechReviewSource, discuss!
omg win 95 ftw !!!!!
In Poland nowadays yeah =D
indeed... however you can be suprised, that we have inet also and lots of polarbears
And you have Kaczynski brothers :x
they rox !!
dont like the taskbar
almost too big i guess?
i just dont like it, cant explain why
wrong flag ! :p
took a random one xD, didnt even knew that i would like like the australian one :D
take New Zealand :D
ohhh new zealand i ment xD
does it eat much CPU & RAM etc?
Requirements: CPU: 1.5GHz / RAM: 512MB / HDD: 12gb even less than XP overall, lulz?
hmm pretty decent! :]
looks nice
well she has a nice taskbar ~~
i think so too! :}
i need that pic in 3000x2600
yea, this is what this journal needed
cba to reinstall all my shit in a new OS : <
new beta OS*
I like how people complain about taskbars when a whole new OS is being released :)

In one way I hope this OS is good, in another way I don't. MS HAS to make very good OS this time after the Vista failure. But in another way, I hope it fails hard so MS finally looses the monopoly. Then the future would look much more interesting!
its a beta anyway, and why would i use this OS if i have to look at this fucking ugly taskbar all the time >.<
If everything is much better than anything i've tried but I don't like the look of the taskbar I'd be more than happy to use it. Throwing away a whole operating system because the taskbar is ugly is like choosing a different car because you don't like the look of the logo.

And what has it being only beta to do with anything?
well i would chose a diff car if i dont like the logo tbh :D
Guess that says more about you than windows 7 then :P
Well said! It annoys me that MS controls like 95% of the OS-market, where is the competition?
Linux should become more public!
oh my ...
so everyone in groningnen is pvv ?
pvv? bedoel je partij voor de vrijheid?:P
neh eerder Plat Van Voor (het gaat dan over de tetjes hé )
hehe dat valt wel mee heur ;-)
thanks blind for the info!! ..

gonna read it . . i always hated vista (the same crap like from win98se to winxp. what was in between? .. winME) ..
Hf with PB btw :DDDDddDddd
I remember a girl in school doing something similar with a sweeping brush :F
well, that makes me WTF! :p how come she did that? and @ school?
Will probably download it and check it out. There's been a few good things mentioned about it so far, though I'm hardly going to switch my main OS to something like Windows 7, it'd be nice to give it a good test on the laptop.

Read a nice article about the future of Microsoft earlier, and how it may look in the future after x releases of different products. Though they did say the only thing keeping Microsoft 'alive' now is Windows and office:
QuoteAs the concept of cloud computing takes hold, these two businesses -- which pay the bills for the whole company -- may shrink dramatically. f Microsoft's core Windows/Office business slows down or even fails, the rest of the company -- excepting the server division -- may not survive
Vista SP2 incoming btw
looks like linux 3 years ago
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