Pissed of because of your job?

I was. God damn, lost totally my nerves at the 2nd job I am doing at evenings. So I complained, here is the mail I send to my boss yesterday.

Tällä hetkellä tilanne on lihassa ihan järjetön, normaalipäivänä aika riittää juuri ja juuri. Pidän kuiten itseäni nopeana ja hyvänä työntekijänä. Miksi siellä sitten on niin tympeää?

Suuri osa työntekijöistä vätystelee ja seurustelee nostaen samaa palkkaa (OK, 40 senttiä vähemmän, huraa) tekemättä juuri mitään.
Tai jos tekevätkin niin lähinnä lattian moppaamista tai roskapussien tyhjentelyä, ei siis mitään tuohon tiskihelvettiin verrattavaa.
Ja kun ne raapimiset on saatu tehtyä niin loppuaika istutaan toimistossa tai lähdetään tuntia aikaisemmin kotia, toki täysi työpäivä merkitään listoihin.

Asenne on muutenkin ihmeellinen, mitä nopeammin ja paremmin teet työsi, sitä enemmän hommia tulee tehtäväksi, ilman mitään korvausta tai kiitosta.
Ja jos on hidas, niin sille ei mahda mitään eikä se ketään haittaa. Parempi vain, eipähän tarvitse tehdä niin paljoa, oi voi. Herkkulainenkin nyt
käsittääkseni vätistele yläkerrassa täyden ajan kun sillä ei ole kuitenkaan tekemistä, Virpikin teki normaalitahtia ja oli valmis lauantaina jo
klo. 19.30, eli 1h 15min aikaisemmin mitä sieltä yleensä tullaan alas.

Hae siitä sitten itse motivaatiota tuohon tympeimpään hommaan kun saa enemmästä vähemmän rahaa ja mitään apua ei tule, saati kiitosta.
Välillä korkeintaan vittuilua kun ei ehdi tehdä hommia kunnolla ajanpuutteen vuoksi. Tai sitten tullaan etukäteen töihin että ehtisi "ajoissa" kun
on niin paljon tekemistä. Ja nehän pitää tehdä loppuun, siinä voi sitten 00.30 kuunnella illan piristykseksi vielä vartijoiden pään aukomista.

SOL ja Minä, vaihtoehdot yhteiselle tulevaisuudellemme. Osa nyt on aivan järjettömiä ja toteutumiskelvottomia, mutta onpahan ainakin vaihtoehtoina:

1. Herkkulainen (tämä nyt on vain yksi esimerkki) ei vätistele yläkerrassa täyttä aikaa kun sillä ei ole kuitenkaan tekemistä, Virpikin teki normaalitahtia
ja oli valmis lauantaina jo klo. 19.30. Jos ihmisillä ei ole tekemistä kun saavat normaalitahtia valmiiksi niin pois sieltä jaloista pyörimästä, ei se voi firmallekaan
hyvä olla että tyhjästä maksaa. Lihanpeltiläiselläkin on joutoaikaa vaikka kuinka. Mutta kun meininki on se että muiden hommat eivät muille kuulu, niin
siinäpä sitten ollaan. Turha tähän on muutosta alkaa hakemaan kun väki vain vittuuntuu jos joutuvat tekemäänkin jotain siellä.
2. Reilu palkankorotus (HAHAHAA :DDD )
3. Etukäteen töihin tulosta tai ylitöistä maksetaan korvausta. Kun jos tulee etukäteen niin se tarkoittaisi sitä että tulematta jäämisellä menisi monta tuntia ylitöiksi.
4. Työaika on se mitä listassa lukee ja lähden helevettiin sieltä kun merkitty vuoro loppuu.
5. Teen pelkästään lihanpeltien pesua, koneajoa tai vastaavaa nypertelyä.
6. Vaihdan stockmannilta muualle, käsittääkseni olen kuitenkin hyvä työntekijä, ainakaan minulle itselleni asti ei ole moitteita. Ja muutenkin on ihan kivaa,
mitä nyt tuo stockamannin meno on karseaa.
7. Pitäkää SOLinne perkele

Aika monta vaihtoehtoa tuli listattua, ei tässä tosi puheissa muut onnistu tai kiinnosta kuin nuo kolme viimeistä. On niin pirun stressaavaa ja päivä
pilalla aina kun on tuota tiskihelvettiä. Illasta puhumattakaan. Joten tulevaisuudessa en tahdo nuita tiskihommia yhtään, vaihdan ennemmin työpaikkaa
tai luovun iltatöistä kun tässä on päivähommiakin.

Noh, tulipa avauduttua, pirauttele tai laita viestiä kun ehdit jos juolahtaa jotain mieleen.

- Tommi

I try to translate it as well as I can

At the moment the situation at the meat-area is insane, in a normal day you can finish just before the worktime ends. I consider myself fast and good employee. So does it suck?

Most of the employees are being lazy and chat around earning the same salary (OK, 40 cents less, woohoo) by doing nothing. And if they are doing something, it is mostly mopping the floor or emptying the trashcans, nothing to compare with that dish-hell.

And when they are done with those scrapings, they come and sit at the office or leave one hour earlier, thus marking full day to the lists.

Attitude is generally amazing, the faster and better you make your work, the more you will have to do, without any compensations or getting any credit about it. And if you are slow, you just are, no one cares and it is ok. In fact it is better to be slow, you have less work to do, boo hoo. The guy making the sweets-section is now just farting around at upstairs for the fulltime. When Virpi covered for him, she was ready at 19.30, 1 hour 15 minutes earlier than usual.

So there you are trying to find some motivation to the shittiest job you can find for less money than rest basically earn, without any help or credit. All you get is someone trying to fuck me because there is no time to make all the things I am supposed to do. Or the you just come early to the work, so you don´t have to go on overtime. Because you just have to do those things, it is always nice at 00.30 to leave the workplace and listen the guards trying to fuck me around and piss me off.

So, SOL (the company I work) and me, options to our future. Some of them are ridiculous and not going to happen, but hey, here they are:

1. Sweets sections (just an example) stops being a lazy fattie and comes down to help, since we know he doesn´t have anything better to do. It isn´t good to the company either that someone is just rolling around there and getting payed for nothing. Attitude is now that "it isn´t my job to do it", so there we are. But there is no point trying to get change in this issue since easier jobs just get pissed off if they suddenly have to do something.

2. Good raise to the salary (HAHAHAA :DDD)
3. Getting properly payed for coming to work early or staying at overtime.
4. When the worktime what is on the list ends, I stop and go to hell from the work.
5. I will be only doing easy shifts like driving the machine or something like that.
6. I will stay at the company, but change to a different place, since I am quite a good employee, or at least I haven´t heard any complains about my doings.
7. Keep your SOL and fuck off.

Well, there is quite a few options, but only realistic ones or the ones I am interested are those three last ones. It is so fucking stressing and my whole day is ruined with that dish-hell. So it the future I won´t do any of that shit, I rather change work or leave evening job entirely since I already have a day job.

Well, that was my 5 cents, call or throw me a message when you have time and you have something to say about on this.


Well, she called me when I was bar yesterday, in the future I shall do only those lazy thingies, at least until they sort that shit out.

Some quotes from our conversation:

She: "Well, some people are just slower than other..."
Me: "This ain´t a fucking kindergarden, get rid off them or pay by that what people deserve"

She: "How about you do the next list with this system, we try to figure something out?"
Me: "No way, I won´t be doing any of that shit, I quit if I see my name on those shifts"

Bla bla. But it was good to whine, I basically don´t care if there won´t be any changes, I am satisfied that I won´t have to be involved on that shit.

Hey ho, got any similar experiences hippies?
hyvä thomm!
muna kurkkuu tommosille lutkille saatana

good thomm!
dick to throat to that kind of sluts satan
what do/did you work as?
Putting dishes to the the machine in a dark cellar. Though now I am back to driving this machine around the floors and just chilling off there.
that's right. you control the machine, dont let the machine control you!
Sometimes I am afraid that it will take me over...
well done but i would never speak to my boss like that
Why not? I have seen that shit, nothing ain´t going to happen there if I won´t say it straight. I have tried to be polite and nice, but that wasn´t enough.

And I am doing so much there that I can afford being little bit rude if that is what it takes.
i understand but "this aint fucking kindergarten" is like wtf dunno must be a rly chilled boss or its hard to replace you
Well, kinda both. But I don´t understand why they keep bad workers there whom aren´t making enough work and thus eating companies profits. And they could replace them, I just don´t realize why they don´t do that.
must be the finish lag or its hard to find better people for that kinda job
Well, it is a shit job, like most of the cleaning thingies, but they pay it quite decently and it fits in my schedule.
Hehe yes, when you talk like this to your boss it might kill your job.
Nice one acting like middle age women.
Well, I rather make something to the issue than be quiet and take the shit or quit.
welldone, but respect your boss!
Ofc I do, I wasn´t attacking towards her, but the way things were there. And believe, I have tried to make myself heard in different ways but got no response.
yes yes I read all the post and I think you made your point and I guess she knows whats going on in there... but since it's your boss, she can tell nice things about how you work ect and not your fellow workmates xD I know that its not easy when you're pissed to talk polite but try to hehe
i told my my boss that the one of the sites he was gonna pay me for was not worth it so increased the money :D
I guess in the most countries with an unemployment (at around 7 % in Finland ?) they would just suspend you. I mean...your evening job doesn't seem to demand a Harward degree. You can easily be replaced I guess, even if you perform better than the others.
Nah usually the last thing an employer wants to do, pain in the arse employing someone new, could end up with someone useless 'n you get shit from the bosses for the cost!

Really depends on his relationship with the boss 'n what time of job he's doing. I'd never talk to my boss in an office like that, but have had short words with me boss in a warehouse ^^
Ye, it is simple job once you know what to do around there, but monkey would learn that in few days. Well, few weeks. I can do any other job there too, so it isn´t just about this current post.

But we have open places all the time there, no one is just willing to do those thingies, at least not for a longer time.
when I worked, my boss always tryed to be tough when he wrote smth (in icq, e-mail etc), but that bitch couldn't have told smth to me personally. So if your letter won't work, just try face-to-face.
I never see her face to face, that´s one of the problems nothing happens and why it is so hard to make changes and take contact.
pics of her or it never happened :O
Well, "real" job, but only at evenings so basically it is my sidejob. It was great when I had school too, fits in my schedule and gives money, it isn´t so important atm since I have no school before next autumn.

I would like to stay on the company since I have good benefits there now, sickdays with salary, summer holiday with salary etc.
mitä vittua teet ~~
its generally the same in every business, at any job in every facet of society - incompetence is everywhere.

Sadly where I work its mainly in the finance department - I havent been paid overtime since I start my job one and a half years ago, so I recently complained to my boss (not in the manner you did :D) and got it all back as time off in lieu, had December 10 > January 8th off. So I am happy now.
My guess is that Virpi is the only reason you're sticking around :P

You've got balls, i would never be able to send such a letter or talk like that to my boss. But maybe that's because I'm a lazy fuck.
Neeh, she is my gf´s friend. My gf also worked there some time ago, but I can´t use her as an exaple (she was good) since it would look kinda one sided.
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