internship halp

Ive some internship in the week from the 5. - 11. January 09 in some informatics company. Therefore Ive to learn PHP and get some deeper knowledge of HTML/CSS. Since I never worked with PHP before Iam in need of some good advice for a development programm and some decent free webserver with PHP support.

pm me if u hv questions about php :>
they dont provide webservers nor programs? :o
well, I've no questions so far since I cant program shit because Ive no server to test it :-(
thanks :D

and sorry for the obvious reply bug :- (
oh noez its xampp :<
enough for testing tbh
yeah but i hate this phpmyadmin shit
yeah, but as i said, enough for testing and faster if u wanna do something with mysql during development
or this :

I got webspace, maybe you can get something ^^ <3
je first of all set a localhost

use Xampp or WAMP both are good

you have Apache (the server), PHP (the language) and MySQL (database) with them

for any functions go to and for any errors, google them. I always find a solution over there :D

for development I always use Dreamweaver but there are some PHP software like PHP Designer for example
I've been using the Eclipse Web Tools Platform for Java EE development, which works great, and there is also a version for PHP development available at

Can't you get a web server from your college? Otherwise use a local hosted server like hex4 said.
I use Eclipse and its a nice little editor, use cfeclipse plugin as well
Gl, had to do the same about 6months ago, i learnt all from a french tutorial website that is perfect for newbies, now i forgot almost everything :(
I am using nano text editor (@ linux console - through ssh though, I'm using windows) but I remember that when I was beginning with php I was using dreamweaver. It's great for css too, but it's easy to miss some of the possibilities you have when writing the code without the support it offers ^^ ( ofc you can do it while using it, but it's hard at first).

As for hosting, I haven't look at free offers for a long time, as I have my own vps ATM, but I remember that was much better than anything other at some time. But, as it is .pl, it may be hard for you to create an account ^^

EDIT: as for css I love the way uses it :) I learn a bit of css just from reading it's code.
As above you can set up a local server using apache is you don't use iis.

I have used WAMP before which gives you the latest apache, PHP and MySQL set ups easily


If you want a developement tool PHPEclipse is a PHP scripting plug in for eclipse which is nice to use and free

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