windows seven

so i got bored and installed it over my xp partition

fucking ramhog thats for sure (although I never extensively used vista so I can't comment if it's better or worse

image: b54lg58pcrvig5oj3

More to come later, although with the hype it's been getting I assumed it must bake you a fucking cake or something and alas, I am without confectionary.
i dont like how it looks like!
got to agree... looks shit with the buttons at the bottom... they are 1. to big... 2. ugly...
you can change them, so it appears like in xp
good ... i like the xp quickbar or whatever its called :p snelstart ding
didnt you have linux
still do

ill probably never switch fully back to win
i would like to have linux if someone would show me how to work with it
Just do it, and don't be afraid to ask. It's common courtesy among experienced linux-users to help new linux-users. We'll flame your ass full if you ask windows-questions, but once it's linux-related we'll be nice :)
download a live cd and take you some hours to discover the magic world of unix
There's not much to learn with linux :/]
Here at your services! Feel free to ask me anything!
Formated my notebook minutes ago xD removed vista and installed xp. Seven is like vista.. soo sucks :\
vista with better performance
I'm curious about this myself, i wonder if it will fail or not..
probably not, every user who tryed beta was statesfied
like this one
meez, what has happened to you!
Windows seven really ? :<

Where did you find it ?
Windows? That's so mainstream..
he only tried it to see how BAD it is
mainstream ftw
Quote by strutteruseless cocksucker
I see what you did there!
Meez, contributing to make the internet better for future generations. Thanks man. :)
it looks promising
haha I had a feeling you would do this and from the tone of the post it seems you are going in hoping it's going to fail and will be harsh with reviewing it :P
Behold the unbiased source that is Meez.
Which is why I won't review this os :P
actually I'd prefer it to do well so I can finally switch my lolgaming partition from XP

I wouldn't be using the explorer/superbar UI anyway if I made the switch, would replace it with blackbox (shame win has no tiling WMs, but I guess lack of proper terminal would make that philosophy a little difficult
why do you even feel the need to switch from xp?

not like vista or would create any advantage for gaming
i doubt we will see dx11 support in XP

and I'm still hoping Win7 will handle defragmentation a lot better... my NTFS drive is always a fucking joke in comparison to ext3/xfs ;_;
winfs was originally going to be in Vista before they took all the cool stuff out and replaced it with purified fail.
what does ramhog mean ?
it uses a lot of memory up
It's not vista ramhog like anymore, I hate they didnt change the core settings and leave vista look and functionability, the place where things are in vista, where options are. etc. I'm completely used to Vista, been using it for 2 years now, 64bit since the first day, I don't know what problems mean, how no response windows look like, or formatting each first of the month feels like ( hello XP ) Couldn't resist to check windows 7 either, got it WMware virtual machine.
Well...Surely Microsoft aren't gonna make the same mistake twice so I can see the retail version of Windows 7 being good enough to replace XP.

BTW, linux SUCKS.

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