etace . is it still on the work?

i heard bani gave his agreement months ago and still nothing new about etace??
is there even still someone working on it?
netcoders exposed it
I didn't agree, so it got canceled.
Happy New Year RoXoR!
same to u mate :>
lack of time i guess
pls? how yo can think ET when it's new year eve!

ye they will released it when nobody will play et :<
Chapjla is still doing something.
Only god knowz
No I don't tbh :O
2010 :>
quad is back from U$A and they are coding some last bits of antipro, release in some weeks i guess.

+ bye bye 180 scripts <3
Quote+ bye bye 180 scripts <3

:) won't be a forced setting, but there will be a serverside cvar which, when enabled, will disable +left/+right

i will probably make the same regarding trickjump scripts -- not a forced setting either, but an option for server admins to disable those
if its going to be optional on this mod (which i assume is to be used in competitive matches) then it's pretty messed up if someone can play on 1 server and use it during a war/official and then not on another server in a war/official because the server admin has some reason to want to disable it.. it either needs to be disabled or enabled and not optional. i guess clanbase will make a new config when the mod is released forcing it to be disabled >_>

i personally dont see the big problem with 180 & trickjump scripts, the arguments against 180 scripts are pathetic and nothing stops the people against them using them to get the same "advantage" as the users
what? server configs from clanbase force it to whatever they want it to be, it's not server admin's decision then when it comes to clanwars (otherwise config would become uncertified)
but if the mod was used on a public, or a server not running the clanbase config (maybe euro, USA configs etc) it could differ between wars which isnt really a good thing imo
what's your point? tell me the difference with ANY other setting
idc about any other settings, i just think disabling 180 scripts and maybe even trickjump scripts is pathetic hence my arguments against it
what arguments? you gave none. first you wrote as if it would be possible to use different settings between clanwars, which is not the case. you also said nothing stops people from using 180 script -- well, now there will be something, but that's not an argument as you're just saying that something is good because there is nothing to prevent it.
well what are your reasons for wanting to disable 180 scripts and trickjump scripts? because killerboy asked you?
the fact that many people don't like it, is a reason good enough to offer a POSSIBILITY to disable those scripts. i'm not forcing anyone to anything, get over it
you arent forcing it, but clanbase will.. and the reasons most people have for "not liking them" are pretty piss poor
you're saying as if stuff gets done because people don't like something. but guess what, very few things get done just because people don't like something, it's WHY they don't like it that matters. do i need to tell you WHY people don't like 180 scripts?
the only half decent reason ive heard is because of the "advantage" the people using it get as they dont get spread from doing the 180 degrees as you would if you were to turn that much with your mouse..but its not as if the people who do use 180 scripts are using it solely because they want no spread and therefore an advantage, a situation where you could even use it in such a way doesnt even come along that often

what stops the people who use high sens (often the complainers) from using the script so they can get this same advantage? nothing..
party with antipro
fiM didn't agree, so it got canceled.
At least someone got the point .. :D
Who told you that RTCW2 will be as great as ET ?
there is no such thing as rtcw 2
there is no such thing as rtcw 2
shouldve been out 2-3 seasons ago :(
ye, i guess it takes some time doing the shit, but it was announced as "close to completion/working already, just adjusting" like 4 seasons ago :o
at least its gonna be finished <3 Ive been waiting for it to make comeback to competitive level of playing :o
<3 me too
etace development moved to -.-
caaaaaaaant waaaaaaaait
don't be too optimistic, it will take longer than 2 weeks
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