Best New year party!

I wish everyone a good new year and alot of fun tonight guyz.

Poland Queen will come in like 1 hour @ 20.00cet with Poland dialer and they pick me up then , 120km only to pick me up.
ty queen <3.

Then we drive around 80 km to Brunswick my old city and there wait a big party on us with 30/35 polish and russian ppl :D @ a big Hall with around 25 bottles of vodka , pirogi , pilemenje etc etc. (Turkey fireBall will be also there).

I hope i dont fly again trough a window this year like last year hahaha

After around 5/6cet in morning we going with taxi in brunswick to the town and making more party then probably we sleeping at Poland damians place.

Seriously i was so fucked up after i found out that no train driving today and i had no chance to attend at that party , now its possible ty polish cunts!

Have all a nice night . greetings hummel
lass et krachen
hf und einen guten rutsch =)
image: hummel

Happy new year!
your spending new years eve with online buddys?
woo! big polish turkish rusisch mafia party today ! guten rutsch teh rest and hf!
Du wohnst in Hannover?
happy new year my man! stay here.
hf guys/girl

cu next year ! : )
... with 30/35 polish and russian ppl

Something like these russian golden youth members? :XD

image: vladosik%20adidosik

... 25 bottles of vodka , pirogi , pilemenje etc etc.
Where are the semochki & zhiguljevskaja? :XD
hf humm3l :>
image: eristoff

Love it, I bought like 5 bottles of it

hf all tonight :D
"private party" at joker (rolling stones thing with alc. flatrate nstuff will be funnoi !) : )
Mehr Läden gibts in BS ja auch nicht :D
doch ~5 .. ^^
fucking idiot talking bout his rl here on crossfire. ur such a stupid fat ugly shithole
hope u die mofo
So you mean that online buddies cant become irl buddies ?
Wicked mind.
still it's strange :)
not rly.
Thinking there is a barrier betwee ebuddies and "real" buddies is.
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