rtcw needs nerf

here we are, too drunk to play multiplayer fps, I load some old rtcw saves, and decide to pown heinrich.

difficulty medium, okay not hard :(

BUT I owned him being semi-afk pressing mostly right-strafe and spamming the tesla :(((((

we need boss for highskillplayers, and the dark nights are a useless joke.

No tesla ? just spam venom :(

I had more difficulty with the first lopers =(

Btw, anyone knows any mod or new maps for the solo mode ? I looked at my last save just before heinrich in medium and it's less than 5 hours -.-
play hard, knife only
well, I tried playing hard, I succeeded but its really "hide&seek", pretty annoying tbh, after the first missions, you die too easily ;(

quick save<3

and even on "easy mode" its impossible to play only knife :( and pistols are useless.

half of my kills were with scoped mauser though =)
RtCW was one of the first FPS games I ever played, and I played the SP before MP and it was so hard (dont think I was even on medium).

After a year or two of MP I decided to try SP once my Inets had to be started at my new house - and it was laughable how easy it was ;-D

Moral = SP is newbie friendly, MP for competition.
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