NC captains.

this voting thing is fucking awfull imo.

and i shall tell you why.

to be a captain it doesnt just take people being friends with you (which could be the main reason for someone voting upon you). it takes some one with experience at such a level and someone that can be trusted.

with this silly fucking thing neone can become captain and not even deserve it.

and at least for me, as i have a uk flag at clanbase it only allows me to vote for the brits, now i dont mind doing such a thing because most of my "et buddys" are from england so i know whats going on in there "scene" but i wanna vote for my country being a proud portuguese man and not a brit.

happy new years!
hi megamav
hello floopz happy new year
oh yea hi2u2
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:52
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:43
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:43
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:41
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:38
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:36
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:34
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 14:32
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 13:47
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 04:19
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 04:10
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 04:08
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 04:00
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:53
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:51
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:47
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:42
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:40
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:37
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:35
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:31
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:28
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:04
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 03:03
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Jan 09, 01:30

srsly xDDDD
EDiT this shit!
luckily theres only 1 POR applicant :p
i know thats why i didnt bother changing flags, but its still fucking awfull
happy new year and we all know that you will be the captain for your country :D
Portugalstrider is the captain for portugal.
not for LONG! i will kill him so the only thing you need to do is to grab the krone when he falls!
and u like that? go and clean some snow in front of your house to finally breathe some fresh air.
There's no snow in Holland.

And yes I do like that.
dont comment on it unless u have any kind of different idea :P
quality > quantity
That's why you didn't sign up? Because people know they were retarded to vote for you? (:
nice reply change!
fuck you, it's hard to click the right reply button, okee. :(
are chinese guys have different type of hand?
Atleast my hand isn't gone, because of a bomb.
Actually not, I'd like to see someone fulfill made promises.
And you couldn't fulfill your promises :D
I never promised anything, I just assembled a lineup which was good in my eyes. I had no expectations or anything.
Not even to win the NC? cause with a team as team-nl you COULD do it.
There was always motivation from the start but it slowly died out, and you can't replace top quality players with people who played EC once (or played on LAN once, whatever). No matter how motivated they are to win. I'd say yes, we could've come further than quarter finals @ last CB nationscup, but we were unlucky to face germany.
Democratie? en er zal altijd wel blijven dat sommige mensen zeggen,,, ja die moet beter captain worden
Damn ... most of the Dutch community is retarded already.
you dont like me do you =[
stfu brit
e: and happy new year :)
hi minimav
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