n1 09 :(

im back from teh gaza strip
haha 31/12/08 - 00:00 will be allways remembered like very nice1 sleeping @ teh tank.
lolz :EE
lolz :EE
You look like one of the terrorist on tv!
Israeli of Moroccan origin.
so handsome and so jews
btw it is possible to cross the border?
till when aug 10!!!
Can you explain the title?
nice one year 2009.
Can you explain te sad smiley behind?
image: 4144_23198005_9725B90CD025EA2FAE14_files_album

Lol M16, post a full shot of it so I can fap
I was talking about the M16 Dude.

Actually out of curiosity, what other weapons do you carry in an average mission outside bases?
M16 image: 14uh1
and an "made in Israel" tavor:
image: yktnijgw2cfn
No handguns ?
you should have died in gaza, Israel killing innocents ffs!

And no Hamas isn't killing innocents, the Israellies voted for their leader. The people in gaza didn't vote for the hamas.
doubt he was in gaza. they are only camping at the border with tanks.
still he should be killed imho, well not when he is forced to go to the army (they do it in some retraded countries like finland etc dunno bout israel) because then he couldn't really decide for himself.
Well,you'r right in some of your points,but not in all of them.
The palestinens did choose their leader,but hamas used hes power to take over some parts of palestin and use it as a terorr fields and thats gaza.
Hamas used Israel's pity and apathion to shot their baby missles for over 8 months with no Isreali reaction,just think about your home geting shot for 8 months,Israel kept on asking from them to stop for their terror acts,beacuse Israel is most likely stronger and they damage they can make is well known, but they wont do it beacuse the hamas is using innocent ppl as humen shields so allot of blood will be poured just to make them stop,our leaders kept on sayin that it wont take long until Israel with get sick of that kind of situaton and then it will be too late,when any kind of oprtion will start there gonna be no "stop",get hamas out or nothing.
Im sure that no other country will do that same as Israel did,just wait when ppl living by daly fear of geting hit by those hamas missles ( ex Russain attack Georgia)
Hamas dont rly care of those innocent pepole geting killed,they are just good for the TV,if they are not one of their soldiers,they are nothing but useless blood.
I know how its looks like from your TV,Bad Israel attacking poor pepole,but reality is different,and that why even other arab countries supports Israel's act.
orly ?
guir hayd hadak drapo nta jayeb lkbar belmakloub
QuoteAnd no Hamas isn't killing innocents, the Israellies voted for their leader.

Israel is a democratic county, I can do shit about it that only have one choice. Thats their problem, they also also chose to kill him instead of the palastinian innocents.
ye well, but does that justify shooting rockets into israeli cities in your opinion? isn't israel they allowed to defend themselves? (i know that many civilians died and that it was made on purpose(maybe!), but still they have to do something, but not through killing innocents, indeed)

btw arafat is dead since 4 years
true, best thing would be talking. But kinda hard to talk to the Israeli people when they only have stolen land which they don't want to give back to the palastini.

That land belongs to the palastinian people, but both sides are to proud to live together because they are both fucking morrons who both should be nuked. <- best solution, get rid of both sides instead of just one.

But really I don't care about that whole situation because it's their own problem, they made it and have to solve it. The only bad thing is all the other countries helping israel, they should just ignore that whole country until their problems are solved.

And the main problem in the world is that we all think we're better then others and think we have to help the countries which aren't that succesfull. Like sending money to afrika or food, the m oney goed directly to the government which will keep it and you can better teach those people how to be farmers and shit. When they can produce their own food, they can start kicking out their corrupted goverment without the help of the UN.

If we are able to live in peace it should also be able in third world countries, but the main problem is the people living in those countries. They aint doing shit about it. Atleast the Hamas is trying to get their rights and I respect that, and they only attack their opponent. Not like the taliban and other real terrorist organisations.

But the first thing is that we all should start caring less about the retards living in third world countries, if they want to live like that it's their choice otherwise they should start something to chance it their selves.
The videos that the TV wont show you.
Missels Alram in Israel :

a hama's misslle hits an house:

hamas is shotting missles to Israel , JUST LOOK WHERE ARE THEY SHOOTING FROM , this is a school near by!

Unexpected missle hits an house while police are geting ready for another day of war.

A misslle kills.
and how many missiles did israel shoot and how money people got killed by those missiles, ur not telling that. only showing stuff what ur opponent does is lame. I guess israels killing spree is much higher then pala's killing spree is.

And they have to shoot from strange places, because they don't have advanced missile launch shitties liek u guys have. Because u guys stole their country. And how is it to be sponsored by the USA in a war you created yourself?
un gave israel adesert that no1 wanted even the arabs
israel made it to what it istoday
u fail
Israel shot enough,and I dont know where are you from sir,but I guess your country will do they same to protect her pepole,and you will fight the same as I do for your familey,I really dont want to start an histroy lesson in here,beacuse its just useless,your mind is poisoned of what you see on Tv,and I dont blame you,beacuse you cant see and feel what we do in here.
Israel have the right to defened them self,and just to let you know smart boi,Iran sponsership the hamas,the rockets they are shoting were made in JAPAN,fkn japan,..Its immposible to fight agasint an terror organization without hiting innocent ppl,and as much as we try,shit happnes.
Israel used to be spillted to half,one for us and one for them,since they terrorised our side,war begon and the here is what happned,they lost Israel,besides,look around Israel and tell me how many arab countries do you see on the map? Jewish pepole got nothing else to go,the pala's does.
liek jewish people are special?

do the katholik people have a country of their own? no.. so why should you huys have? u are almost christians, so maybe start living like them? all over the owlrd and not centralized in one country like the arabs like to do.
So pepole Like hitler will rise again? we have a country for one reasom since hilter,so we can defened our self when the time will come.
Jews live already spread all over the world, moron :D
"Almost christians"

"Only one country"

Jesus christ what are you, a retard?

all killed in ww2 :P
maybe one day you will realize what's really happening, and you will shit your self of crying
There's nothing so foul as national pride of Yisrealites
Still surviving on quails and manna of other nations...
2009 - a new crappy year.
Israel did the right thing imo,kill them.Correct me if I`m wrong but Hamas shot missiles 30 km into Israel.
you are terrifyingly dumb
yeah u are noobtre
hamas fired more then 10000 Rockets since 2001 on Israelis ...
hmmmm let me think.. imagine yourself living in a house, a nice house with your family and stuff and having everything you need. one day the doorbell rings and you answer it

2 possible scenario's :

the first scenario is me telling you : I used to live in this house 1000years ago, so GTFO , this is MY house. "ok"

second scenario (which is happening right now) : Some big nations sponsor us with nice guns so, you can live here but you can't use or touch anything and you will live in the most crappy part of the house. not happy? GTFO "ok"

however the first scenario makes the most sense to me
pls don't reply to me
reply reply
or better yet
afucking missle falling on ur house because u want peace
great shit right there.!
How many suizidbombers did Israel send to Gaza?
well you are on their land without their permission
well how many missiles did you guys shoot into gaza? how many people did you kill there? how many walls did you build around gaza? For howmany days the borders are closed to gaza? For how many days the palastinian people have been living with almost no food?

And that all because you stole their country, ofcourse they want it back if you only give them a really small peice of what they used to belong.
the un gave us their land
hamas started it all and gaza is getting it now because hamas hiding in bunkers and saying gaza ppl should defend them.
gaza fault they let it happen
basically talking to u is like shiting in abathroom
come here see some arabs and terrorist i would love to see u trying to talkto animals without any respect to humanlife
there you got it the UN gave u their land, which right do some fucking monkeys from europe have to say about that peice of land?

Don't you think it's normal they want their land back? would you want your house back if the UN would give it to a random bum because he has no house?

But ur baised because you prolly can see the rockets flying and it's must be damn scary and you want to get rid of that. But I see it from a other side and think the palastinians should be able to live in their own country.
it was adesert in times when un gave us this land try to fucking understand it
jews builded houses, economy and everything there is in israel
arabs didnt try to even disagree to the land giving because they thought nothing would builded up there.
get ur history knoweladge right
what history books are you looking at?
the arabs never agreed on dividing the country into two states.
why would you send suicide bombers to destroy the shitty side even more if you're living in the good/best part of the country you joker =D i guess i have to give you guys credit for not destroying the shitty part even more? AUCH i think i can't since you are destroying it even more =D
Lucky the history books are not wirten by an idiot like you,and you got some fkn huge lake of histroy up in ya head,so you better yet loggin out of your PC user,wear your shoes,and get to nearby libary before you post some dumbass comment with no cover.
you are just too proud to admit that you're an ****** defending a foul cause. i'm deeply ashamed i have to share my roots with someone like you.. really.
edit : i really lold at the "wear your shoes" part ^^ why don't you wear your shoes yourself , run to the library and pick up some english books my friend
sure :) when you will sleep about 2 hours a night,Im sure your english will be just fine.
How many suizidbombers did Israel send to Gaza?
you need to dig deeper than this...
how desperate does someone have to be to blow himself up?
why do you think so many palestinians accept/join the hamas?
they don't have any perspective whatsoever and feel like prisoners in their own land.
They are all retarded fundamentalists,willing to destroy every non-muslim nation and gaining world domination
those are called extremists, and you have those in every religion. sadly it seems that people only know 'muslim extremists' .. dunno why , might have something to do with the media.
so i don't really get your point? didn't expect anything better tbh since your statement is funded on .. nothing?
correction : they ARE prisoners in their own land
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