cod 5 communities?

my friend started playing cod5 and he asked from me that is there any cod5 communities/ news pages like crossfire for ET (and cod4).
I have no idea; I'm sorry.
thx for the reply anyway :DD
CoD5 is dead.
In this life one thing counts
in the bank
large amounts
There is nothing comparable to Crossfire.
CoD5 is just a waste of money :)
Bigger < Comparable
At first I read 'cod 5 communists'
:D no, i bought CoD4 and it was worth it !

I couldnt even start the CoD5 in my computer, so i already knew that, its not worth to buy ! xD
what??? i have 40-50 fps in cod4 and with the same PC, 35-50 fps in cod5.
pRO configs :)
Great info, i will add it to my notebook!
Not so sure about that, in terms of traffic crossfire is ranked above ESR in their very own survey:
True that, I can remember even the celebratory journal posted on crossfire about that by Meez.
Nobody is really supporting CoD5 atm
Esr used to be, but it's a dead fish currently. Dwindling userbase, massive techie problems destroying the site, low on content 'n dissinterested mods.
international ones only LoL
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