Serbians to join United!

United is pleased to announce it has reached an agreement with Partizan Belgrade and the players for Zoran Tosic and Adem Ljajic to join the club.

Tosic, 21, will sign with immediate effect and wear the no.14 shirt, while an agreement is in place for 17-year-old striker Ljajic to remain with Partizan for the rest of 2009.

A press conference will be held next week, once the necessary paperwork has been filed with the relevant football authorities.

Sir Alex Ferguson gave his reaction to the signings at his Friday press conference and also confirmed United will not to be doing any more transfer business in January.

"Tosic joins us immediately, his work permit is through; Ljajic will join us next year, " revealed the boss. "Tosic is a young wide left player. We like wide players at this club.

"We've been watching him for over a year. Our scout in that area has been telling us about him for quite a while. He's now a regular in the Serbian national team. Hopefully he does well.

"We'll give him time. He's not played since December 10 so he'll need time to adjust and get used to the tempo of our game and also the training.

"That's the end of the transfer business for Manchester United this season. There definitely won't be anything else in January."

Thanks God, its over finally! I am very happy with this!
In my oppinion, United still need a good mid-defender + a midfielder.
My vote goes Veloso or Moutinho from sporting... (I prefer Moutinho, but
Veloso looks better now coz Hargreaves is like a half dead now, so better if someone can play both) + Zapata maybe
Never heard of them, they should co-operate well with vidic though.
Tosic will be a star soon :)
fast & Ferguson doesn't go together
he is already very good...
does the "wide" thing means he is alil fat? or wtf :S
he likes to receive ball near side-line :D
awesome <3
never heard of tosic tho :/
i think almost the same was with Vidic and just watch him now...
im still w8ing for more sign ups news like liverpool barca and chelsea ( real already dissapointing)
I dont think Pool will sign anyone
I dont think Barca will sign anyone
I dont think Chelsea will sign anyone
And Real is still a graveyard for players, and now they stole my
favorite striker (Huntelaar) so they can fuck off more than they
did in the past. End.
pool theres a chance they trade elano for benayoun
barca will sign aguero
don't know about chelsea yet :P ( also arbramovic is planing to sell chelsea?)
was really surprised @ beckham's move to milan btw xD
Elano? well that would be a good move, since Benayoun is not that good.
Barca wont sign Agüero imo. Abra wont sell Chelsea imo.
Milan now can sell Beckham shirts, not just Kaka's.
benayoun is great, does alot for liver but he aint playing much, and tbh he doesnt fit liverpool, he is NOTHING like how he plays in the isr nations team, benitz really screws up his potentiality
its confirmed aguero will move for 55M ^^
and more $ for milan :d
Benayoun is fucking awful.
sure is :D
Benayoun has 1 good game for every 30 games he plays for Liverpool.
benayoun only played few games lol, played around 5 this season
whoa just whoa.
Bridge to Man City, Zirkov to Chelsea I heard
iN-serbi@n ?
Well he said he wasn't going to sign anyone so I wouldn't be surprised to see more squad signings. I know we've been following Tosic for a while, however. If he adapts as well as Vidic has done then it will be good business.
oh the serbs, lazio should be proud
you play too much football manager lol ;p
Lets hope they fail! Just think they could have had Wayne Bridge for £12 mill! (Gotta love City paying over the odds)
City really paid 12 millions for Bridge?

12 million is half the money we need for ribery. I saw 10 million touted for Alex, sell them both buy ribery, sounds simple really?
wow, I would give like 5-6 millions for Bridge, but nothing more. Ribery is not 60 million euro? I heard this from somewhere.
Yeah unfortunately ribery wont be as cheap as I'd like :P And Bridge at 12m is an amazing deal for us, hes a good solid player but hes not top champions league quality. Plus he gets injured a lot! We really should sell Alex whilst we're broke we've got 4 other center backs so we dont need him
real is preparing to make a bid of 50+x million € for ribery
but i hardly doubt bayern would let him leave, they need him way too much, when he was missing the first games of this season bayern wasnt able to go anywhere (rank 13 or smth after the first few games), since ribery is back he is just owning everything and bayern started a big winning series mostly cuz of ribery!
oh and bayern have enough money, they are not in need to sell him

ps: i am a bayern hater normally kk?!
ribery will not leave in january for sure
You convince Mr Klinnsman to sell Ribery and ill give you 6 cans of diet coke for 12 months
read the man under this, he is right and thats why bayern wont sell him
no chance i'd say :D
I'd do anything to get Ribery outta Germany.
He is the only reason Bayern is starting to dominate again.
U already have lampard, deco, ballack, essien and a few others in midfield. Where would u place him? Probably just on the bench... so let him stay at bayern so we can enjoy his football instead of wasting his time on the bench just like so many other top players.
ribery = side

ballack, lampard, deco, mikel etc = center
But I´d say joe cole and malouda do the work :O
malouda is AWFUL :(
hmm, chelsea could buy ashley young then, but abramovits has no money left :(
I would love young
lol I saw skysports reporting that they have agreed a fee for him, just a little glance and saw what i thought was 1mil. was like well that aint too bad, and looked again 11mill WTF. best bit of busness since u stole mikel from us.
We stole mikel and then got ALL the money back in the court of appeal, however the best of business will be when mutu has to pay something crazy back to chelsea like £15 million or so
Who on earth is so retarded to pay 12mil for Wayne Bridge...

That guy is beyond awful.
thought this is a journal about the kosovo when i saw your name oO
trade ronaldo for van nistelrooy, and trade some random noob attacker for messi and we win
ruud is out of the season
i dont care, i want him back :(
Vidic is still best serbian football player ever :>
I see lot's of post from u about Man United. Why do u support Man united actually? Just because it's one of the best teams in the world?? U better support a hungarian team... they need all the support they can get.
Call me old fashioned, but how can you support a team if you don't go to the games?
Mhm, don't u agree with me then?? Or did u reply to the wrong person?

Btw read my reaction to trevize for my opinion.
Our football is ruined and dead, our most famous team punished to be at the second division. I m a Manchester United fan since 1999 when they were so good and lucky to secure the triple... Players like Scholes, Giggs and Neville made me MU fan. I wish you as shit football as we have now, then we talk again about it ok? Support? Do you really mean that if I go to a match, then everything will be alright again? Even if its not enjoyable? I'm not that hardcore fighting one so I dont really like that why the most fans go to a Hungarian football match. God forgive me for being a fan of MU.
It was just a question, don't be so offended. I know hungarian football is bad and I know people like to support good teams. I got nothing against that but imagine if everyone would support only the big teams in the Champions league. They would have all the fans, all the money, all the trophies and it would always be the same teams who win CL etc... The best part of football is that it's unpredictable and even small teams can win versus big teams on their day. Without those smaller teams it becomes more and more predictable, just like it is already today actually.

And belgian football is already declining for 6 years. Ok, it's not that bad as hungarian football but we aren't that far away from it anymore at this pace. No WC or EC since 2002, not even a belgian team survived the winter break and it's getting worse and worse every year. Our teams got kicked out by teams of ukraine, denmark, georgia while 5 years ago all our teams easily won vs them. But I still support them above those big teams from Spain or England because I'm connected with them.

In the CL I also enjoy watching good teams but I'm not gonna support them like my own team, they already have too much money, fans, etc...

It's just... everyone supports only teams like ManU, Real Madrid, AC Milan just because they are successful. And if u see the same teams again and again it's getting boring. The best year in CL for me was when Monaco played against Porto in 2003 because they surprised everyone and that's what it's all about, suprises.

U actually have no relation whatsoever with ManU but only support it because it's succesful. People like u just support the best teams and make the teams only better and better till there is no more competition anymore. I hate people like u (nothing personal) only for this because it will kill football. It is already dying actually if u just look at the CL and premier league with always the same teams on top.

btw: I didn't say that u had to watch your team play, for a lot of people it's not possible + only a small number of fans can actually enter the stadium.
Then you hate 95% of the world.
End of the conversation since u have some good points, but most
of them is just conservative ideas.
Well, 'hate' is a strong word, I just dislike it. That's why I actually prefer an EC/WC or even UEFA cup above CL because so many teams have a decent chance to win.
It's not really conservative actually. I want to keep football a fair sport which keeps its unpredictibility which makes it such a great sport.
Dont talk shit, ive been am Man Utd fan since so long time back i can remember since, my name is Robin. And i got an man utd shirt with Brian Robson on the back so that's the start. And i thought that it was cool.
Well it's quite funny that people from China or USA or Finland always support teams like Man united or Real Madrid, no? They will never start to support teams like Stoke City or West Brom. What a coincidence eh? Just read my reply to Trevize.
Thats what they need more strikers!
Arsenal all the way.
man utd waste more money for a rubbush player
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