Help a comrade =(

Hey there again xfire memberZ since my last journal post about Microsoft office was a success I'm here again to ask for another favor :D so I downloaded office but now I have 2 .bin thingys both 670mb big Oo anyways how can I use them properly as word and stuff like that? :<

help pls me noob =,(

random pic:

image: Rage%20of%20the%20Random%20Actor%20-%20Front%20Jacket
you need daemon tools genosse!
those .bin files are cd-images, you surely have a .cue file too...
mount the images by selecting the .cue files in dt (they have to be in the same folder as the .bin files), install and have fun!
lite version is free, dl the pro version with the filesharing prog of your choice.
k thx hopefully it will work :D

I thought random pics are forbidden now/spam

I think you need a mount program like GaRg said.
random pic, ban :(
not random pic > useless forbidden shit =(
u should hide ur random pic
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