php proz

Are there some People which are able to write some easy shizzle in PHP for me so I can give a look at? Since on they have from time to time examples which I will never ever need.

What I need:

- loops
- if / else
- formulars
- some basic maths shizzle

What I'd also love is some kind of command reference where I can find the things listed above. Thanks for your halp :_/
:o read the tuts on, they are even in german :o

edit: fai4madi!

here u go with a n1 tut:
all that you have asked for is easily found by google.

LOADS of websites cover the basics in an easy followable fashion
i has java skills if you need :)
Iam used to java, too, but never worked with PHP
nooo, shitlanguage :(
there is everything ok with, when i had any problem with things like command or functions it always helped me out. of course you need to use your brain as well for understanding the problem. but yeah, its easier to say that sucks is not a tutorial (unless they added something), so he is right.
The one madi posted is imo the best tutorial out there.
An official documentation is best for any reference. Also, as I took a brief look at that tut, everything is on, just it demands some search :)

EDIT: At least English version, dunno how about German :P
why u deletez ur last comment :(
must have been someone else!
Pm me for php help
I think that is rather a good, not to say best, source to learn. At least I couldn't work with php with the flexibility I do without that site.

Like for ifs for example - you can even get it in german:

And for anything more comprehensive, just google it. Just think of few things you might want to code in php, like a page displaying only while logged in or similar and try to code that using web resources, it's the best method, even better than most of books offer ^^
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