Quote The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a film unlike any I've ever seen and probably ever will. A true epic that left me utterly speechless. It accomplished so much through such simplicity. Everything was top notch from the elegant directing to the subtly wonderful performances down to the magical score. The film demands you to feel not only for the death we witness, but for the incredible life we discover. It prays on the obvious morality issues we all deal with but also dangles the idea in front of us that everyone goes through the same joys and grievances, just not in the same way. This is a momentous tale that deserves nothing less than the title of brilliance.
If you are bored or want to watch a good film I recommand this.
Runtime is 3 hours so be prepared with food and stuff :-)
Have fun!
David Fincher & Brad Pitt = win
watched wall-e instead lolz
fucking hacker!
This would sell the movie better than that quote.
- The Generals Daughter
for me