my cod4 movie clips =]

right i got this clip of me raging a noob :P used fraps and its like 159 mb for like 5 sec's, how the feck do i make it smaller ?

EDIT: gave up and just used xfire :P if anyone out there is willing to try and stuck a few of them together i got lots more :)
2,5sec = ~80MB

way smaller!
stick it in the pooper
just don't use fraps, there are better programs around!
name of the better prgramms?
dunno, I think there is some tutorial in here wich use virtualdub etc.. i don't know much about moviemaking stuff ;) check it out
dont be shy!

its ok!
Fraps = capture images/sequences from pretty much any game
Virtualdub = process and compress movies using for example the XviD codec

You can't replace one with the other. :)

Fraps is probably the best option for games that don't have built-in commands for capturing (but I think CoD4 does).
Smash it untill it's smaller.
virtual dub!
Use the xvid codec !
I made 32 sec clip with FRAPS and compressed with Xvid codec, final file size was 32.7mb.
It can be smaller, but quality would be too bad.
well i used xfire just show them off :P its cod4 btw

image: 5da95-4

tits the 2nd shot which was pritty leet

image: 5dacf-4

oh i raged him :)

image: 5dad8-4

he must of been pissed off :P
are you calo?
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