my SENSATIONAL new years eve!

it started early, i had prepared for days, weeks, months even!!!!

my tickets booked, my outfit choosen, my date accepted, it was set, the time the place the arena to see off 2008 and welcome 2009!

it was to be sensation white NYE melbourne 2008/2009!

in addition it was to be the biggest (and the best???) the most sold tickets was at amsterdam the birth of sensation with 36,000 tickets, melbourne (as we do) SMASHED FACE, sold out @ 40,000!!!

the night started at 7, where we had a dinner at the stadium, on the 2nd of 3 levels, the front overlooked the whole stadium, the back, looking over the back end of melbourne.

the night, spectacular, it was more about the show than the music i completly recomend to everyone and anyone to go. i had an immense amount of fun, however my free alcahol for 4 hours kind of killed me and i got too pissed to quickly!

me and my date did no stay till end we (ok me) had a fight, we left early about 4ish.

overall though, less drinking and i would be more !!!!!!! fuck yearh however just fucking wow, just wow. wowowowowowoowowow

only a couple photos and a couple of videos!
my girlfriend and i
image: img1499zb4

some guy was paid to bring a snake to the dinner, so ok i had to get a picture. yes i do look sexy hot!
image: img1501tu6

the missus was in the toilets, so what else would any reasonable guy do, get a photo with 2 sensation chicks!!!!!
image: img1519zj5

here are some youtube videos.

the first being some entertainment at the dinner :D:D:D:D:D:D (you will understand the smiley faces!!! )

the second being the fireworks from the back balcony from the dinner, please understand that these are the back end of the fireworks of melbourne however still a sexy sight i think!

finally this is later in the night with the best song EVER!!!! i just love the lights and the look of the whole stadium1!!!!! just wowowowowow

enjoy =]

i forgot to add this of my girlfirned, more for the ladies of the house (check out her fashion lol)
image: 31122008198gd9
sounds like u had fun
look at me please
Look at me, look at me
hands in the air like it's good to be
and I'm a famous rapper
in such a small world (? not sure bout that)
yap right :P

All curled up with a book to read
no idea whats later... I would have to check, but im too lazy :D
well since you brought it up, heres a preview of some of the work from my next album, "SNB Ain't Shit"

I can play ET with no external aides
No external aides
No external aides

Look at me, look at me
playin eurocup like it's good to be
and I'm a famous player
even when the scene's all crookedy
I can show you how to dodge a lan
I can show you how to play a field op
I can flame apart the community
And I can almost get it back together
I can argue with MASCULINE MANS
I can tell you about TosspoT & Friends
I know all the teams at Enschende
And "I'm Proud to be in the BATTALION"
Me and hentai saw a reikkeri
Me and the team made a player rank
And guess how long it took
I can flame any guy that I want cuz, look:
i like your gf
nice girlfriend you have :$
I bet she is blind or something cos check out the guy next to her :D:D:D:D
I wasn't able to say that, I was to scared to do that :D didn't had the courage for it :P

i'd like to see a pic of you
because you're flaming him for his looks and havent got a picture in your profile yourself
Are you sure you wanna see my pic?
yeah squall u ugly faggot
why fireworks @ 9pm?!
the fireworks at 9 are for like the younger/older people so they dont have to be in the city so late. i think anyways.

they have like 10times bigger fireworks at midnight but it's so everyone gets a go, if you get me.
i wanna see the big one! do u have vidz?
i didn't see the big fireworks, because the city was on teh other side of the stadium and my dinner fiinished at 11, meaning i had to go downstairs at that time (so 1 hour before midnight)
i edited, mainly for the ladies
looks amazing, and gtz on the girl :o
ulgy fatty hahahahah!!!!

yeah i wanna go to the sensation white this year in eu. was wondering how strict is the white clothing rule?
look, you can wear shirts with mainly wihte, even with some black print of some kind, shoes don't matter mainly just matter with shirt and pants.

some people did get the big KB (knock back) cos they didn't wear white.
liar, thats not your gf... unless all aus boys r teh ugly.
Kitty's more mooi anyways
jahoor slijmbal:D
amazing :]
gl with your gf, she's pretty, dont loose her!
ugly snake :(

edit* nice links and music :x and girls :D
i think i would do rather well in australia with the ladies if i look at the pictures...
the ladies love the hat and everything there is underneith ^^
Ha :D, good good!!!

I love zeh hat too...

but mine is better

image: mortal_kombat_shaolin_monks_raiden
if i were you i would move to australia with me! sexy beast!
a few questions;

1. about sensation white; what kind of white panse did you wear? cause i want to go 14 march here in belgium but i don't find any suitable white panse i like :(

2. you guys are a bit behind with music or just different likes/dislikes? ;p
were there a lot of shufflers? that's the hype over there, isn't it? or it is already over?

no more questions, nice gf and a happy 2009 <o/ !
i wore, as you can see, a white polo and white shorts (both raulph lauren) the night wasn't hot by any means, however, due to being indoors and 40,000 people it was warm and i did not need pants, also the amount of alcahol i drank was alarming yet warming :):) i did not want to buy pants as i knew it was 2009 and not 1972!!! (was never going to wear them again!!!)

it was more house than trance, however as the night went on the more trancey it got, if you get me. i think it will really depend on the djs playing as to the kind of music being on offer. however at this sensation it was more housey, however the last act (from what i've heard) was very tracn'd out.

and melbourne shuffle is for faggot ravers :P

just download some sets of recent sensations from the dj's attendingt the one you are thinking of going to get an understanding of the music on offer.

also i would say that the effects/lighting/sight/everything plays a bit more than the music, if you get me.
i know what kind of music they will play at our sensation white ;D was just wondering what music they play there.
house > all
electro <3
cool gf, reminds me keira knightley on 1st pic.

i did have a new years resolution, was for me to get Germany butchji to add me as a buddy here at xfire

dO You think i will succeed?
image: 7204_brendan

Nah, not if your so in love with yourself!
If you're an owner of a paypal-account there shouldn't be a problem.
nice chick 8D
nice gf and a nice shirt dude :D
rly pretty gf u have :]
james holden was heavenly :D
i almost passed out when he played this song
Were blacks allowed there?
skin or clothe colour?? :P
my start of the new was better..there was a party of a clanmate---->i was drunken----->my gf drive the car with me home------>fresh snow and ice on the street---->accident----->no i can pay 900 euro

welcome to 2009

i woke up in the car..and the first thing i saw was a tree coming to my side of the car.
but..cuz we r lucky guys we dont hit the tree.
best new year ever^^
haha :D well i lost my cellphone and i gave my housekey to a random person. but thats not as bad as u ive to admit:P

I gave my housekey to a random person...makes me lol =D thats rly nice =D
ye some dude asked me, hey do u have a key. and i was like huh why would he need my key and he was walking away and i suddenly remebered i had my key in my pocket so ii called him and gave him my key :/ i was abit on drugs at that moment tou :(
stupid thing is i know i know the guy but i just forgot who he was :D
maybe he's calling you if he's a nice guy :P
Dude pls put all ur monry in ur pocket when u r the next time on drugs..i will have a good question 4 u ^^

I love story likes this =D cant stop laughing about that =D
haha yes and it doenst matter alot cause i have reserves, but its still pretty stupid :D
u should buy a gun..or u will wake up and pedobear stands in front of u and u cant help urself^^
dont you need to replace all of your locks? o_O
my jack wolfskin rucksack got stolen, with all my fireworks in there (except one rocket) and 2 bottles of absolut wodka + 4xrewe 5.0 beer :(
my jack wolfskin Rucksack... =D

hmm im sry 4 u, maybe some polish peoples at the party too?! =S
rucksack is an english word aswell :p(loanword probably)

i really dunno, i've just took it off for like 30 secs, took one rocket, put it in my friends bottle, turned around and i was like 'wtf?where the hell did my rucksack go?!'
rucksack=bag nvm

ur story sounds funny too...i rly want to see that face which u got in that moment =D
Parent :p (yes i'm a korinthenkacker!)

ye well, at first i was surprised and afterwards fucking pissed, couldnt really enjoy the party anymore, because i didnt know if i put my key out of my rucksack/bag :(
good for me that i put all my things(mobile phone, pocket, key, mp3 player) on my friends desk
where was this party?
just a random party on a hill in my city
ah ok i was on a hill too,somewhere in bavaria..but cant remember the city^^
holy shit drink less ;D
oh wait...bad advice
i was in düsseldorf but yours looks kinda better ( more civilized ) even though it was amazing aswell :x
in the toilets here there were always girl in , was kinda funny when u had 3 girls standing next to u while peeing
not only play0rs and styl0rZ have good looking girlfriends!
quit the whine nerds!
Pretty Girlfriend !
Seems you enjoyed it !
Looks like some sort of a Jesus Camp. People dressed in white, you and your gf look like Adam and Eve who are wearing clothes, in addition the evil snake, who temptates you to do bad stuff. This shit looks strange...
I repeat, NEVER post pictures of you or anyone you love on crossfire.
why so? :o
ohey, kad
ohey, dunz
Looks like a homo party for some kvlt scientology camp + white sucks
hell yea, lovely girl ;)
good job
your gf and you don't really match
trollity trollity tra la la la la
Sorry, did you say something?
very nice but you really dont have a clue how to resize a picture or just want me to have 1600*1200 pixels of your girlfriend?
Why would you even want to save that pic in the first place "\:D/"
i do not want. just hate when a site is loading for an hour coz some picture.
ur da bomb kad sexy mofo <3
yea id shag ur gf for sure
Hidden treasures
I hope you know that I will meet her (dunno where, dunno how, but I will!) and I will make that she fall in love... She will love me for ever...

Nah, I'm joking I'm too lazy :D

"A beautiful eyes she has."
Who was playing? I know the Berlin Sensation wasn't particularly star-studded so you might have had more luck. As a metrosexual, however, I will say that your girlfriends handbag is ugly!
ben morris
eric morilio
john course / grant smile
fedde le grande
marco v

:O i actually choose it! lol

it's an LV bag btw
So she's one of these really high maintenance brand freaks? Or were you just trying to score easy points with the brand name? :P

I would personally avoid buying something like a (designer) handbag not only because you could sink a fuck-ton of money into something without getting a better product, but also because she's going to use it every day so if she doesn't absolutely love it then you just wasted a lot of money for nothing.

You should upload some more pictures if you have any!
hmm i was fair drunk when i did this post.

it was for her bday present and i didn't pay for it all.

paid like 1/3.

what i mean by "i choose it" was more like she had the choice of about 4 and i choose that one.
you don't have to defend your decision because evan is criticising you :X try asking actual girls what if they like it, I know evan is pretty close to that but still...
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